Ch.57 Chilling truth

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What's this? Another chapter the same day? You're welcome :)

After making sure the coast was clear, Elena, Olivia, and Mira made their out of the school and down the street while staying on guard for any danger.

"Stay close" Mira ordered as they hurried down the empty street and to the entrance of the mines "Okay, all we gotta do is destroy the Trigger, and get those items back."

"You think we'll be able to get past them?" Olivia questioned, "I mean, considering what they did to Aidan and Terrence the last time."

"Well we got magic" Elena reminded "And since you don't, I recommend you be the one to gather the items while we destroy the Trigger."

"Fine by me" she shrugged.

"Come on" Mira motioned as they headed down the dark mines.

With Mira in the lead, the girls headed down the mines until they could hear the voices of Lydia and her crew. Following the sound, they came upon an opened area where they peered from behind a wall to see Lydia and her crew around a boulder that had the Trigger placed on it.

"Now" she spoke while pulling out the Dark One's dagger "Let's get on with this shall we?"

She waved the dagger over the Trigger as the gem began to glow. And at that moment, everything started to shake. The girls held onto the wall while being careful not to be seen.

"Is this suppose to happen?" Noah asked Lydia.

"Apparently so" she replied, "Don't worry, it shouldn't last long."

"Okay we gotta make out move now" Mira hissed.

Before they could say anything, Mira sprang out from their hiding spot and blasted the crew with her magic as they all shot back into the wall. She quickly ran over to the Trigger and picked it up as she tried to run back, only to feel herself being thrown into the wall as well as Elena and Olivia ran out from their hiding spot to see that Lydia had gotten up with her hand out towards Mira.

"Did you honestly think it would be that easy?" she smirked just as her crew began to get up.

Without hesitation, Elena blasted her magic at Lydia sending her flying back.

"Elena!" Mira called as she quickly got up with the Trigger in her hand.

Thinking quickly, Elena pulled out Nathan's sword just as Mira threw the gem at her. Olivia stepped back as she watched as Elena swung the sword straight through the gem, shattering it into pieces as they fell onto the floor. The tremors soon stopped, the Trigger was finally destroyed.

But just when they felt relieved, they suddenly heard some slow clapping as they turned to see Lydia mockingly clapping her hands with a sneer on her face.

"I admit that was impressive" she spoke "Using that sword to destroy the Trigger, how do you guys do it?"

Mira and Elena both created fireballs in their hands as Olivia gripped onto her machete.

"Even though you manage to ruin the first part of my plan" Lydia smirked while holding up the box "I still have these."

"You give those back" Elena growled as her fireball grew bigger.

"I'd control your temper if I were you" Lydia taunt "Wouldn't want the darkness to consume you against, now wouldn't that be fun?"

"Don't think about trying to scare me" she scowled.

"Oh I'm not trying to scare you, I'm telling you the truth. I know about the last time darkness consumed you and you became the person you never wished to be. But here's the thing Ms. Queen, just because that little dilemma is over doesn't mean it won't come back."

At that point, Elena could feel her fireball dying down by the thought of that.

"Darkness is still around" Lydia continued "And it can still consume you, only this time, there won't be a cure."

"You're bluffing" Mira grunted, "We can always bring her back."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" Lydia sneered, "I know the darkness that's running around this very town, and I know that once it consumes someone, there's no going back."

Elena's fireball had finally died down as her heart began to beat with fear.

"If you don't believe me-" Lydia added, "Why don't you read that storybook of yours?"

And with that she and her crew disappeared along with the items.

"No!" the girls screamed, but it was too late.

Lydia has gotten the very things she needed to get home.


Now back at the school, the girls stormed in and hurried into the cafeteria as Elena began to search through her backpack for the storybook.

"Hey how did it go?" Terrence asked them.

"We were able to destroy the Trigger" Olivia replied, "But unfortunately, Lydia got away with the items."

"What?!" everyone gasped as Elena pulled out the storybook and began to flip through the pages.

"Where is it?" she breathed.

"What's she doing?" Aidan questioned just as Elena stopped at a page that made her heart stop.

Just like what Lydia said, there was an illustration of Elena who didn't look like the nice girl she was. She instead had bright purple eyes that screamed death, and her hands exposed her magic that appeared more intense.

"She wasn't lying" she murmured with shock.

"What?" Olivia gasped as she looked down at the picture.

"It says here that there's still a chance that the darkness can consume me again" Elena explained in a mumble "It doesn't say how though, but it does say there's no chance on getting rid of it."

Everyone's eyes widen and jaw dropped by the sound of that. And as she closed the book, Elena could feel her heart still racing with fear as she clenched her fists.

"Elena-" Olivia began.

"Lydia has the items" she cut in while looking down at her clenched fists as purple steaming began to form around them "We might not be able to make it home. There's a chance I can go dark again. Why the hell is this happening to us?"

"Elena calm down" Mira ordered calmly "You're heating up."

"I know" she grumbled as she began to back away from everyone while still clenching her fists "I uh- I need to go."

"Where are you going?" Olivia demanded.

"To throw a tantrum" she growled while storming out the cafeteria.

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