Ch.2 Upcoming tragedy

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Since it was Saturday the next day, Elena Jensen, also known as Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen laid back against her purple beanbag chair of her room with her purple and black electric guitar in her lap as she twiddled her fingers on the strings creating a soft tune. Ever since she was young, she had always enjoyed music, thus inspiring her to play multiple instruments, her favorite being her guitar.

But as she was playing she heard a knock at her door, she stopped playing just as her door was opened by her roommate and best friend Olivia Morgan, also known as Apple White, daughter of Snow White.

"Hey" she greeted in a smile as she walked in with two mugs of tea in her hands.

"Hey back" Elena replied in a smile as she set her guitar to her side.

"Raspberry tea?" Olivia held out a mug to her roommate.

"Sure" Elena accepted the offering as Olivia took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"So-" Olivia began "You writing new songs?"

"Not at the moment, I'm just playing some tunes, wondering when Destiny is going to tell us how to get the Golden Gorilla."

"Oh yeah, I've been thinking about that too. If we do have to go to a jungle to get it, we might have to bring some weapons in case we run into a leopard or something."

"I know" she nodded "But besides that, I also can't stop thinking about what Brooke told us yesterday about this dangerous chic that could arrive in Storybrooke."

"Yeah and I'm still wondering what she meant by the other thing that could happen."

"Should we ask her again?"

"I don't think so, she said that she'll tell us when she's ready, whenever that will be."

They both then sat there in silence until Olivia spoke up.

"You know just think-" she said in a small smile "If we do get this last item, we have everything we need to get back to Ever After."

"Yep" Elena smiled back "Home sweet home."

"Although I am gonna miss this place, we had a lot of great adventures here, and we stuck through the bad ones."

"Yeah" she agreed when she gave a small sigh "We sure did, I am gonna miss this place too."

"You think we'll be able to visit Storybrooke after we break the curse?"

"I hope so, cause I gotta admit there are a lot of things I love about Storybrooke, and it's gonna be sad if we can't visit this town after that."

"Yeah" Olivia sighed "We sure had some great memories here. Not to mention I love these modern outfits."

"Oh I know" Elena agreed while rubbing the jeans she was wearing "I love the style here, they're comfy and cute at the same time."

"I wonder if we can bring our clothes back to Ever After? And maybe other things."

"Let's just hope it'll allow that, I mean it did bring almost everything here from Ever After, my guitar for example, I thought I wouldn't see her again, and yet here she is."

"You're calling it a she?" Olivia snickered.

"Does it look like a he to you?" Elena smirked.

"I guess not" she shrugged when a thought came to her "Oo, you know what we should do? We should create a scrapbook containing photos and memories of Storybrooke, that way when we get back to Ever After and if there isn't a way back here, we have something to remind us of it."

"Yes!" Elena agreed while pointing as she sprang up from her seat "And I got just the scrapbook to use."

She went into her closet and pulled down a scrapbook from the top shelf.

"I've had this in my closet for a while" she explained "I didn't know what to use it for, but now we can use it for your idea."

"Oo this is gonna be fun" Olivia grinned "It'll be like we're kids again."

"Well we weren't exactly friends when we were kids..." Elena put in while biting her lip.

"That doesn't matter" Olivia stated while holding her hand out towards her "We're friends now, and we'll always be friends."

Elena gave a small giggle as she took her hand as they gave each other a squeeze, knowing that her roommate was right and that they would always be friends till the end.


At her writing desk, Brooke sat in front of an opened blank book with her enchanted quill in her hand as she used the end of it to tap her chin as she thought of what to write. With her quill giving the ability to bring whatever she writes to life, she instead uses it to write her own story, one that doesn't need to bring to life. But as she was thinking, her phone began to ring as she answered the call from Danny.

"Yeah?" she said.

"When are you gonna do it?" he asked.

"Maybe later this evening, Hailee told me that she's busy at the moment so I'm gonna have to wait."

"Okay, so what are you doing now?"

"Just writing."

"Writing in your book again huh?" she heard him smirk "How's that going?"

"Well I'm still thinking."

"Are you almost done?"

"I'm getting there" she smiled "Just think, as soon as I'm done, it's gonna be my first complete story that I wrote all by myself."

"And I can't wait to read it."

She gave a small giggle when he added- "Alright I was just calling to see how you were doing."

"Well I'm doing fine thanks for asking" she smiled.

"Well then, I'll leave you back to your writing."

After hanging up, Brooke went back to tapping her chin with her quill as she went back to thinking about what to write.

"You need some help?" she turned around to see Destiny sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Oh uh, no thanks" she assured.

"Well that's not the only thing I came here for, I just checked out the Sand Clock."

"Don't tell me" she sighed "Time's almost out?"

"Not just that" she replied nervously "There's a crack in the glass."

"A crack?" Brooke gasped.

"I don't know how it happened but, if that crack goes deeper, the Sand Clock could most likely shatter."

"And if it shatters before all the sand runs out?"

"Same thing will happen, Lydia will gain her power and the apocalypse will start."

Brooke couldn't believe what she was hearing as she sat there in shock.

"What am I suppose to do?" she asked nervously.

"Do what you must. I will tell Elena and Olivia how to get the last item."

"Alright, how much time do we have?"

"If I'm correct, I say between today and tomorrow."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 13)Where stories live. Discover now