Ch.62 Gibberish spell

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It took a while, but Mira finally managed to get Olivia up on her feet as they along with everyone began down the street until they made it to the Mayor's office and house. There they went inside as Mira cast her protection spell on the building.

"We should be safe in here" she assured.

"Unless this place also catches on fire" Amanda grumbled.

Once everyone took a seat in the lounge, Mira turned to Olivia who sat on the piano seat with her arms wrapped around herself and tears flowing down her cheeks. Seeing how much pain she was in, Mira went up and sat next to her.

"I shouldn't have yelled at her" Olivia sniffed "I knew it wasn't her fault but I still yelled at her. I showed that I was afraid of her, even when I told her that I would never fear her, and I blew it. I'm such a terrible friend."

"No you're not" Mira declared "Just because you two are best friends doesn't mean you have to hide your fears all the time."

"But you saw the look in her eyes when I yelled at her, she looked betrayed, hurt, and it kills me just thinking about it. I've seen her in pain so many times, but never like this."

She let more tears flow as everyone watched with sadness, all feeling the same pain, but not as much as Olivia was feeling.

"So Lydia caused Elena to do that?" Aidan asked Olivia in a mumble.

"I guess so" she sniffed with a shrug "She must have put Elena in a trance or something, I saw her focusing on Elena who was clutching her head and crying out in pain. And when she looked at me, her eyes were purple and had the look of death in them."

At that point, a thought came to Mira's head as she let out a deep sigh.

"What?" Olivia questioned.

"I uh-" she began in a mumbled "Before the football game, I had a nightmare about Elena, she was doing exactly what you said; clutching her head in pain, eyes turning purple. I know that my dreams are always trying to tell me something, and when I had that nightmare, I feard that it was trying to tell me that Elena would go dark again, and it looks like it came true."

Everyone sat there in shock as they noticed that Mira's eyes were starting to water.

"And I don't know what to do" she murmured "I don't know where she is now, and I have no clue on how to stop all of this."

"I think I know" Destiny suddenly spoke as everyone turned to her "We gotta destroy Lydia."

"You mean to kill her?" Kayla questioned.

"I know it's brutal, but it's the only way. Look, here's the thing about Lydia, she's had a hard life, and all she wants to be in control and have everyone listen to her every command."

"That's what she told me and Elena," Olivia remarked, "She told me that she's been ignored, pushed down, even stabbed and left to die in the woods until her brother saved her."

"Oh my God" Darling gasped.

"It's true" Destiny sighed "That poor girl, feeling like nobody cared about her. Now the thing is, Lydia knew what she wanted to do since she was young, she wanted to travel to every realm, changing everyone's stories to make things her way. But when she heard about Storybrooke, she tried to open a portal here, but because of the curse, it wouldn't allow her. Instead, all the portals she tried to open were opened to people of different realms, and when they went through, they arrived here. And I pretty sure you all know where all of this is coming from."

Everyone gasped.

"The Enchanted Door" Natalie gasped "When it burst open, that's when everyone went through."

"It was caused by Lydia?" Aidan remarked surprised.

"Indeed" Destiny nodded "Now even though she couldn't get here, she knew that once the Sand Clock runs out of its sand, that when she gains her power, and that's when she can come here."

"But, why did the Sand Clock start in the first place?" Terrence asked.

"Because it knows how long you all have been here in Storybrooke. From the moment you all arrived here in the curse, the Sand Clock began to drop its sand, but very slowly. But the longer you all are here, the faster the sand drops, and the closer Lydia gets for her power to return."

"Yeah, about that" Darling spoke up "What exactly happened her to make her lose her power in the first place?"

"It's a long story, which you all will find out soon. But the main thing is, the longer Lydia remains in control, the less of a chance you all have at getting back to Ever After."

"Well duh-" Kayla replied, "She took most of the items we needed to break this curse."

"It's not just that."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you guys still have my diary?"

"Yeah" Olivia responded while reaching into Elena's backpack and pulled it out.

"Let me see it."

She handed the oracle her diary as she flipped it opened to the last page and gave it back to Olivia.

"This is the spell you all have to cast to break the curse" she explained.

"Uh, I can't read this" Olivia announced, "What language is this, Latin?"

"Let me see it" Mira held out her hand as she handed her the diary "Wait, this isn't Latin, this is cursed gibberish, I'm the only one who can read it."

"I know" Destiny replied, "Everyone of you who has magic must cast that spell."

"Yeah that's what it says here. It says that we must place all the items in front of us as all the magic user form a circle around it while some of us must use the wands."

"And what about the non-magic users?" Aidan asked, "What do we do?"

"I guess just stand back and watch."

"Oh great" he rolled his eyes.

"Whoa wait a minute" Mira spoke while reading the diary, "It says here that we have to cast this spell the last night of a full moon."

"Oh my God" Ramona's eyes widen "That's tomorrow."

"What?" everyone gasped.

"We have until tomorrow night to cast this spell?" Olivia remarked.

"Until midnight exactly" Destiny added with a sad look "You all have until midnight tomorrow to cast this spell and break the curse or else you all will be trapped here forever."

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