Ch.43 Worried mother

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Finally back from my vacation so I should be able to update regularly now.

As it got darker, Elena and Mira finally met up with both Danielle Weston, also known as Farrah Goodfairy, daughter of the Fairy Godmother. And Natalie Parker, also known as Faybelle Thorn, daughter of the Dark Fairy. In order to avoid being seen, they all met up in the Storybrooke boutique where they hid in a little room with no windows.

"So what do you guys know about a gem called the Trigger?" Mira asked them.

"Yeah, we've heard of it" Danielle replied, "And we also know that it's really hard to get your hands on it."

"How so?" Elena inquired.

"Well for starters, it's always moving its location, at some point someone finds it and takes it without knowing what it is. Not only that, it looks like any other gem and it may get mistaken for other gems."

"Well then is there a way for us to know that it's the right one?"

"Not that we know of" Natalie shrugged.

"Actually-" Danielle suddenly put in "Maybe there is. Who do we know has a special item that can unlock the truth of anything?"

At that point, Elena and Mira's lips curled into small smiles.

"Francis" they chorused.

"But where do we look?" Elena questioned.

"I suggest checking the mines" Danielle advised, "I mean that's where all the gems are."

"Got it."

"But until that happens-" Natalie spoke, "What are we gonna do about this apocalypse?"

"I don't know yet, right now everyone needs to stay inside until further notice."

"We'll let you guys know if we need anything" Mira added while going out to the front entrance and stopping when she saw how dark it's gotten "Yeesh. Elena, you ready for this?"

"Let's just go quickly" Elena replied with a sigh as they stepped out from the boutique and down the sidewalk.


Now in Olivia's house, everyone except Kayla, Ramona, and Hailee who had gone home all gathered in the living room while staring out the window into the darkness.

"Damn" Aidan breathed "I hope they make it back okay."

In the kitchen, Olivia looked through the refrigerator and cupboards and taking out any foods and drinks she could find.

"What are you doing?" Terrence asked her.

"Making sure we have enough food to eat" she replied, "We don't know how long this apocalypse will last, so we better be prepared."

"You got any weapons we can use?" Aidan asked, "Because if they're gonna be monsters, we better defend ourselves good, and I'm not gonna use a kitchen knife."

"I'll see what I have."

Just then the door swung opened as Elena and Mira entered and shut the door while locking it.

"Hey" Olivia said while walking up to them "So what did you guys find out?"

"That we need Francis's Revealer Rays to find the Trigger" Elena responded.

"Where exactly?"

"We're gonna start in the mines cause that's where most gems are."

"And when exactly?"

"Until we find a safe way to go out" she replied with a sigh "You know that we saw snakes in the diner?"

"Yeah" Olivia nodded "That's why we had to evacuate."

"I already prefer zombies at this moments" Aidan stated.

"The snakes must have been a starter for this apocalypse" Mira observed, "I fear more invasions will come."

"Aw man," Aidan whined nervously "I am so not ready for this."

"So what are we gonna do?" Terrence asked, "Just stay inside forever?"

"Well someone has to go try to find the Trigger" Mira ordered, "I've got something to work on."

"Now?" Elena remarked, "At a time like this?"

"Just trust me on this. So who's gonna go find the Trigger?"

"I would do it" Elena answered, "But at the same time I gotta find a way to stop this apocalypse."

"You know what I'll do it" Terrence offered "You guys do what you have to do."

"Really?" she remarked, "You sure about that?"

"Don't worry, I'll be with him" Aidan assured.

"And what if you run into Lydia and her crew? Or more snakes?"

"We'll be prepared... hopefully."

She sighed "Fine, you guys go ahead."

"And what are we gonna do?" Olivia put in.

"Find some way to stop this apocalypse, and take down Lydia and her crew.

"Yeah about that, remember what we heard on Terrence's watch, about what Lydia and Noah told him? They said that in order to start their big plan, they needed you."

Elena felt her heart stop by the sound of that, remembering how frightened she was when she first heard it at the game.

"Yeah what did they mean by that?" Aidan wondered.

"I don't know" Terrence shrugged "They wouldn't tell me."

"Look-" Elena spoke, "Whatever it is they want from me, I won't let it happen."

She let out a deep breath before turning to Mira "Mira, you do what you need to work on, Olivia and I will see what we can do about this apocalypse."

She then went into her room followed by Olivia.

"Whoa" Aidan's eyes widen "We gotta find out what they meant by wanting to use Elena for their big plan."

"Yeah" Terrence nodded in agreement "And by the looks of them when they told me, they looked really sinister about it."

They then turned to Mira who suddenly had a worried look on her face with her arms crossed in front of her.

"Mira you okay?" Terrence asked.

"Oh um-" she mumbled "Yeah, I'm fine. I just uh, I gotta go work on something."

And with that, she used her powers to disappear in a cloud of smoke, leaving them feeling a bit perplexed by her behavior.


Now in her vault, Mira stepped inside to find David waiting for her while sitting at her desk.

"Hey" he greeted as he stood up "Everything okay?"

"Yeah" she replied, "Terrence and Aidan are gonna look for the Trigger while Elena and Olivia deal with this apocalypse."

"And what are you gonna do?"

"Start on something that can help with this crisis."

As she went up to her cauldron, David could see the nervousness in her eyes as he went up to her.

"You feeling okay?" he asked.

"Yeah" she assured, "Why you ask?"

"Because you have that look on your face whenever you try to stay positive when you're really not."

Knowing he was right, Mira gave a sad sigh while leaning against her table.

"I just can't stop thinking about what we heard at the game about Lydia and her crew wanting to use Elena in some big plan of hers. What if they end up killing her? What if she turns evil and there's no way back?"

David returned the sigh "I feel you, we're both worried about her, heck we're worried about everyone. But I know we'll find a way to stop this, I know because I believe in us."

Mira didn't respond as she just wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest, hoping he was right about stopping the apocalypse.

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