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Scratches And Scars • D. Dixon

| START TO FINISH | Chapter 75

: Diamonds :

Music played throughout the boys room, barefooted, he held a plate of food and set it down over the stair well and went back inside his room to close the door and listened to the record player

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Music played throughout the boys room, barefooted, he held a plate of food and set it down over the stair well and went back inside his room to close the door and listened to the record player. He drew his drawing of a man tied to a tree as walkers went over to him to eat him alive. Ants were going through the crack of his window, to the raw hamburger that was left in the corner of his room.


Natalie held onto Carl for dear life as his eyes were wide. "Judith! We have to get Judith!" He yelled while the girl nods her head and gives the boy her gun.

"You're immune, help the people out." She told him while running through the crowd of the chaotic mess and went into Jessie's house to hopefully find the small toddler.

She slammed the door closed, taking a deep breath from the long distance. Her lungs burned from lack of exercise and she looked up the stairs to see Sam. His eyes were full of fear while the girl placed a finger over her mouth and he nods his head.

She slowly went around the corner, finding Jessie with the toddler as she was cradling her to be quiet. She took the child from her arms as Jessie sighed. "I'm going to go get them." She stated while Natalie shook her head.

"No! Don't!" She tried to tell her, but she was too late as Jessie ran out and gunshots were fired quickly after.

Natalie held onto the baby, her mind racing with awful thoughts of not being able to live a normal life again. She banged her head against the wall. The door opened shortly after and Deanna, Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Ron all came through.

"Put her on the couch." Rick stated while Natalie felt a ringing in her ears.

"Upstairs. First room on the left. Come on." Jessie told them while they followed through and everyone started grunting as they trudged up.

"Where?" Rick asked.

"This one on the right." Jessie yelled.

"Which room?" Rick asked again.

"Go in there!" She yelled while banging into Sam's room. Rick placed Deanna over the bed while Natalie started helping them and Judith was placed into Jessie's arms.

Natalie couldn't help but stare into Rick's blue eyes as he sighed. Natalie started applying pressure to the wound and putting a towel around it. "How is she?" Rick asked while panting.

Scratches And Scars • D. Dixon {Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now