2,000 years later

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That day had come arcee was saying bye to every one "hopefully this won't be the last time we talk bee come find me kay?" Arcee said hope filled [of course and I know this won't be the last time we talk it's just a feeling] bee said pulling her in for a hug after they separated she had to say bye to her aunt elita one "bye arceeon I'll miss you" "I'll miss you to aunt elita but please help find steeljaw if I can't" arcee replied elita nodded next her teacher rachet "keep up your studies for me cee" arcee gave a small laugh "no promises maestro" finally her father " I'll come to you personally arceeon when this war is over sweetspark we will win I promise" optimus said with one last hug "thank you father can't wait" arcee said she noticed a small scratch and healed it quickly "I love you all see you on the other side" before they knew it she was gone
2,000 years later (on Earth in the autobot base)

Optimus stared at a picture longingly his sparkmate long dead his son missing his daughter missing as well Jack noticed "who are all the people in the picture?" "My family or what's left of them anyway. The red femme is my sparkmate causeway she was killed by Megatron the cyan mek is my son steeljaw he was kidnapped the same day causeway died the young femme in the middle is my daughter arceeon or arcee she was put into stasis about a year after that day the yellow mek is bumblebee he was best friends with both of them. "Optimus I'm detecting a Autobot stasis pod signal but the Decepticons are already on it" rachet turned back to the monitor [hey optimus could it be arcee?] Bumblebee asked "who's arcee?" Raf asked [ I'll just tell you later] "who cares there's an Autobot in there probably that needs our help with the cons are already making a beeline for it" bulkhead said "agreed" ratchet set is he powered up the ground Bridge "AUTOBOTS ROLL OUT!" Optimus said running through the ground Bridge they all hid behind some boulders
There was a group of drones a shiny red mek AKA knockout and then the leader of the Decepticons himself when they tried to open the pod the normal way the pod uttered /passcode necessary enter passcode/ "this is new Lord Megatron I've never seen a pod with a passcode before" knockout said Megatron spoke " knockout do you recall steel draw Optimus Prime's eldest" "of course I do I worked on him when you brought him to me and shockwave" knockout responded " then you would least know of arceeon his youngest" Megatron pressed "it does ring a bell or 2 sir" knockout said " about a year after causeway's death she disappeared I believe we may have just found her" Megatron said smirking "well let's see who we find" knockout said pulling out his buzzsaw

Okay everyone I know you're a bit upset about the Cliffhanger but reviews so list any recommendations you have in the comments and I'll try my best to use them😉

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