A primes eldest pt 1

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Knockout walked in "steeljaw!" He separated the 2 "are you trying to get yourself killed?" Arachnid was on the floor gasping for air steeljaw stormed out "this was a bad idea arachnid I told you you'd strike a nerve maybe this means you'll listen to me more" Knockout helped aranchid up "i'd leave him be" knockout said aranchid nodded unknown to them arcee was following steeljaw wow had looked a lot different if it was him (in my fic steeljaw ended up looking more like Optimus until knockout and Shockwave got a hold of him and injected a ton of stuff in him in order to make him look like what he is now and gave him heightened and abilities) steel sat on his berth he got out a picture it was of all of them before the war started his father, mother, sister, bee steeljaw missed them all he wanted Megatron dead. A voice "steel?" "What uhh I need to talk with shockwave again" arcee came out of invisibility a sevro clutching her chest "How cee your supposed to be dead" steeljaw said "what dead no I'm anything but I mean I almost died 2 weeks ago I came to raid megatrons vault and some tools for our med bay" steel hugged her " I missed you so much" "I should have come for you big brother" arcee said "no you would have been turned into something like me but you can't stay Megatron will find you and if you were turned into something like this I never forgive myself but I'm sure we'll see each other again soon so long sister girl" steeljaw said " bye bye brother boy" arcee commed "ground bridge needed you are never going to believe me"

Ok that's all for today what did you like it any suggestions say them in the comments I'll try my best to use them

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