scattered no more pt 2

373 11 2

I had to use the picture I regret nothing.

Arcee's pov
Agent folwer and june came ultra Magnus almost shot them down but aunt elita moved his arm at the last second that woman has lighting fast reflectes I'm almost at that point. Bulkhead and wheeljack along with miko got here to. Ultra Magnus or wheeljack did not look happy to see each other. Along with there arival more bad news. The cons cloned a freaking predacon. I don't even want to know. When wheeljack saw my mom he looked at bulkhead then looked back at her. Bulkhead said "yeah, she's real" then my mom just burst out laughing.

Wheeljack's pov
About time we got to the harbinger arcee message was pretty good but out of all bots did it have to be ultra Magnus elita one I'm ok with but not ultra Magnus he's the reason I left hopefully the rust won't set in. Still a bit dinged from the predacon but hey we wreckers have survived worse. Once we got there I saw her she was talking with agent folwer ultra Magnus and arcee and bumblebee. I looked at bulk then looked back he was smiling I gave him the you better tell me what the heck is going on look when I looked back she burst out laughing then she said " I'm sorry wheeljack but your reaction" after that she regained her composure.

Arcee's pov
"Ok everyone I have a plan so listen up I'm not sayin it twice. Wheeljack got bombs?" I ask "why is that even question? Of course I got bombs." Wheeljack said "Good. Ratchet you and the humans will be staying here at the harbinger to use the bridge. Ultra Magnus your in the air waiting for that predacon while... ah-choo!" I sneezed "My baby" mom said [you sneeze like a kitten cee] bumblebee beeped "what's sneeze?" Ultra Magnus asked "yes I'm with Magnus" aunt elita said "I'm trying to brief here!" I yell maestro rolled his optics "anyways. Ratchet your and the humans job will be to spread out the cons as much as you can with... Any ideas miko." I say as a rhetorical question she smiled and looked at Jack and raf "hope you guys brought your phone's" they knew where I was aiming "mom, since you can only monitor you can stay with ratchet that will give you a birds optic view." Mom gave a slight nod "aunt elita  take bee, bulk, and Jackie, with you and make a frontal assault and get as many cons away from darkmount as you can" I say "with all due respect arceeon the front doesn't have much cover and even with Magnus as air support we'll need a miracle" aunt elita said "we've had worse odds elita" mom said "I'll take your word for it sis" aunt elita said "ultra Magnus while aunt elita leads the charge your in the air flying and shoot down cons untill the predacon comes out the at the right time ratchet bridge the predacon to the artic if it's anything like the sraplets it'll go in stasis and get out of the picture." I say "what will you do arceeon?" Ultra Magnus asked "I'm taking jackie's bombs and putting them on the power core. I can get out in 3 minutes 2 if I'm lucky. Then agent folwer with the weapons down you can come in with a jet squad and blow up darkmount and with it a large part of the decepicons with it."

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much.

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