returning the favor

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Arcee's pov
We went to capture a mine. I get to go. Sweet. So everyone except ratchet and humans for obvious reasons. Everything was going as well as it could be but aunt elita yelled "does anybot else hear the beeping or is it just me?" I heard it to "no! I hear it to!" I yell everyone looked at wheeljack "ok. So I may or may not have placed bombs in the mine" he said everyone was somewhere between stunned or just annoyed. It didn't help that we were still fighting "autobots evacuate!" Father yelled we were out gunned and the bombs didn't help so we started to get outta there. We were to deep in we needed to get out of the cave while fighting still I got slowed down by some drones but I got past them. I shifted into a owl and used sonic screech but I was behind. Then I hear explosions. I see them go through the bridge without me. Then pain I'm on fire. Then I fall the force dragging me I can't keep up my form I shift back then black out.
Optimus's pov
We get back to base bumblebee looks around [Where's arcee?] He asked me and elita look around "yes where is she. Arceeon. It's not funny if your invisible." She said it was dead silent. Elita and bumblebee shot wheeljack death glares. Ratchet was working on locating her "she's back at the mine. Her signal isn't moving." Ratchet said "ultra Magnus, elita one, bumblebee with me. Ratchet please open the bridge." I say we go through.
Elita one's pov
I'm beginning to see why Magnus regards wheeljack as a idiot with bombs and there placement. This could have costed arceeon's life. She's tough she should still be okay. If she isn't then I'm going to kill wheeljack if optimus and bumblebee doesn't get to him first and ultra Magnus doesn't restrain me. Outside the cave we saw drag marks then they went to a tree the the tree was in half. I looked over bee's shoulder. She's close we keep walking. We hit a clearing. Sitting there was the predacon. He was looking under his wing then he looked at us. He made no attempt to attack he looked back under his wing then looked at us again. He pull his wing back revealing...arcee! She was unconscious and covered in ash. Optimus slowly walked towards the predacon. The Predacons squinted and then looked back down at cee. He used his snout (don't know what else to call it) and lifted her head. Optimus kelt down and picked her up and looked at the predacon. What it did next made me wonder if I didn't get enough recharge. He transformed. It didn't help that he was taller than optimus. "My name is predaking. The femme your holding saved my life I'm returning the favor. This in my mind this was a temporary truce. Next time we meet if Lord Megatron wishes me to I will kill you." Predaking said he turned and walked away. I looked at bumblebee [he talks too. Great] he beeped "yeah. Just great." I say.

Ok! That's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much🤓

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