nemesis prime pt 3

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It was bulkhead "woah don't shoot!" Bulkhead put his servo's up they out there guns away " sorry bulk arcee just got me away from nemesis and healed me so were all kinda spooked." Wheeljack said bumblebee still had a servo around arcee "I'm ok bee really." Arcee said he looked at her with concern "I promise."Arcee said she stood up "bulkhead, do you know where my father is?" "No I don't and do you know why we can't contact base?" Bulkhead asked "MECH somehow got a jammer we need to find father so it makes it easier to find nemesis." The group went on and did find the real optimus. Then eventually  after a clever plan nemesis was destroyed but somehow Silas the leader of MECH got away no one knew if he lived or not. Ratchet tore into arcee for what he called "being Reckless"
but wheeljack said that she saved there afts. Aft-ter that arcee went to recharge she pulled bee aside quickly "thank you gor trying to protect me."

Then she went off to recharge

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Then she went off to recharge.
once she laid down she passed out instantly. Another knock :Oh come on!: arcee thought she buried her face into the pillow "Yeah?" Arcee asked the door opened "arceeon? Are you ok?" Only 5 people called her that her father her mother her brother and her godfather/teacher. "Yes father?" Arcee asked her face still in the pillow optimus smiled and shut the door then sat down "thank you for the assist we might have lost that battle if you hadn't stepped up." Optimus said "and for believing me." Arcee turned on her side facing her father "no matter what harm any of my family cause I will always be loyal." Arcee said "who thought you that? Ratchet?" Optimus asked "few different bots. Mainly you and mom and steel." Arcee said "I'll leave you sleep well." Optimus said "Father?" Arcee asked "yes arcee?" Optimus asked "could you stay? Just for a bit." Arcee asked "alright" optimus said laid down next to his daughter and optimus accidently fell asleep. Arcee snuggled close to her father she knew he needed the rest.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much.😄💕

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