scattered to the winds pt 1

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Daughter of a prime. A healer divine. A brother's sacrifice. his purple light drains. A mother with a voice of love she sings to aid us to the very end. A father leads the charge to when the war comes to call. The mount will fall one day. The final battle the speechless shall speak. A spark finally extinguished.
-A Prophecy by Alpha trion-

(Pompeii by Bastille)
It all happened at once the decpticons closed in once again the base fell. Optimus stayed behind to destroy the bridge. Everyone scattered to different parts of the world. The humans went with there partners. Arcee knew where she and jack where intimately. Where she and bumblebee faced aranchid. "Stay close  jack." Arcee said "will do" they walked a bit more when Jack saw the hole "uh arcee is That the hole that arachnid made?" Arcee sighed "yes like I said stay close we have to locate the harbinger. I know where it is I just need to get to a town." The walked in silence till they got out of the forest. Then the started to drive "Why do we need to find a town?" Jack asked "so we can find out where we are then we can see how long it'll take to get there." Arcee said "what's at the harbinger?" Jack asked "bridge, comms, energon it'll help locate everyone and serve as a base. It's not be perfect but it'll work." Jack didn't say anything. Just outside a town she shifted into her human form "I guess miko was right her human form did have a use. "Looking good cee." Jack said arcee gave a sharp exhale to serve as a small laugh she didn't feel like laughing. "jack you want to find a place to eat?" Arcee asked "not really why?" Jack asked "I don't know how far we are from the harbinger so it could be a while till we find another town." Arcee said "nah I'm good how bout you?" Jack said "I'm gonna shift back after this." Arcee said "you need a human name. Any ideas?" Jack said arcee paused "how about opal?" Arcee asked "sounds good...oppy." jack said "no." Arcee said "aw why not?" Jack nudged her "that was my mother's  nickname for my father." Arcee said "yeah no. Different name maybe." Jack said "Sapphire?" Arcee asked "sounds good." Jack said.
They were in Ashland Oregon it would be about a week week and a half drive as long as they didn't run into any cons they'd be in the clear.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much. I've wanted to write this part for a while first part done yayyy!


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