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Another beecee chapter

Arcee's POV
"So yeah chromia is doing ok. Her and ironhide are rooting for you. So enough about me how about a particular pink femme and a blue and red autobot commander?" Mom said "heh, well I don't all of it entirely but I think they are getting closer soon after the war I my have a uncle." I say "ooooohhhh. 'Bout time that femme found herself a mech." Mom said with some sass [arcee? Arcee!] Someone yelled. I jerked back and fell? And heard and saw the holocron fall a few inches. My helm was spinning this had never  happened before someone brought me back to reality by touching my cheek [arcee? My rose? Are you ok? Please answer] he beeped the sun shown bright which I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's jasper at noon. "Bee? *sigh* my helm." My servo found the holocron and put it back in my pouch. He picked me up [are you hurt? Should I take you to ratchet?] Bee beeped "no no just dizzy this had never happened before so I'm going to ask my father please but me down" I started to struggle [arceeon, listen to me.] He beeped I froze bumblebee had never called by my real name before "yes bumblebee?" I demand [you were floating] Bee beeped "what? Floating? No. Way." I said [just a little not much. We should talk with optimus.] Bumblebee beeped he put me down. We got down.

Optimus's POV
"Father?" I heard arceeon say "yes arcee?" I reply as I turn around she look dazed concern took over I knelt down and held her servo "what's wrong arcee?" I say she looked at me still looking dazed "during my last meditation I started.........floating. Bee got me out of it would you know why." She said not making opticcontact I smiled "yes I do. It's called a 'final form' primes and their decendance can do it I myself have one I believe your brother has one as well weather he's unlocked it I unfortunately have no idea. I believe the holocron is recognizing that your getting stronger so perhaps soon you will be able to unlock it soon. You will be able to summon a weapon if some sort and have immense power and strength." I say "whoa. That's awesome. But will I stop floating? Because I think I gave bee and spark attack." Arcee said I chuckled and she smiled "but seriously will I stop at least feeling like I got shot again?" Arcee said trying to keep a straight face "more than likely." I say "thank you father now I gotta go bee and smokey made me promise that I would see this human movie with them bye." Arcee said and she left

Bee's POV
"Ok you 2 this better be worth it." Arcee said [can't be that bad we all need to get out more.] I beeped nudging my femmefriend "we all need to focus on winning this war." Arcee replied bitterly "or find this steeljaw I've been hearing about" smokescreen said. Scrap not the time smoke not the time! "Don't you dare mock my brother. Let's just say he's been through the pits and back." Cee said with even more edge in her voice "I-I didn't know he was your brother" smokey said looking at the ground "let's just get this overwith" arcee said sitting down on the hillside I sat next to her on the right and smokey sat on my right.
30 mins later
Bee's POV
I look over at my rose. Heh. She fell into recharge [smokescreen, look.] I beep he did he snorted "that tired? She seemed just fine." He said [that's what she wants bots to think. Keep up morale or some scud like that. Kinda see the point but gets her and optimus tired real quick. Plus she's still recovering from that incident] smokescreen shuttered "don't remind me the entire time I was mentally screaming no. I haven't been here that long but it still hurts." Smokescreen says "plus elite one can be very scary during a fight." He continued
1 hour later
Bee's POV
The movie ended arcee fell into recharge halfway through  the movie [arcee wake up.] I beeped "yeah sorry about that just kinda tired from today" arcee said [it's fine you were cute] I beep the blush crept on her face "jerk" she hissed
[Arcee, um can you try and heal my voice?] I ask her body tightens "uhh ar-are you sure I don't wanna get your hopes up." Arcee said [positive.] I beep dead serious  she nodded and put her servos against my neck barely touching she drew in a breath. Her blue light glowed she started to shake then she gave out with a huff. "Uh is is it." I say stopping myself a smile can across my face and a tired one came across hers [cee thank....] I beeped. Arcee looked away clearly mad at herself [arcee it's ok we'll find some other way] I... beep "bumblebee ironhide shrapnel I swear on my life I will give you your voice back." Arcee said dead serious I cup her cheek [breathe. It's ok you trying is promise enough. We will find some other way.] I pull her close her helm went against my chassis. My arms around her. She had her arms around me as well then I noticed her optics were having trouble staying open. Scrap shoulda thought about that. I pick her up with no resistance she just wrapped her arms around my neck. I kiss her and take her to her berth and we recharge side by side.

Ok that's all for today/tonight what did you think any suggestions say them in the comments I'll try to use request thanks so much!😎

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