a strange day on the nemesis

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Arcee's pov
For some odd reason while smokescreen was out scouting he found the nemesis. This was a rare opportunity to raid megatrons vault I had only done it one other time and I found steeljaw. So I imidatly took the chance. Originally father, aunt elita and ultra Magnus were agansit the idea but with a bit of help from ratchet, bee, and Smokey they let me go. The ship was cloaked like usual so so they bridged me just outside it so then I shifted into my owl form.

 The ship was cloaked like usual so so they bridged me just outside it so then I shifted into my owl form

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So I flew up and I just reached the runway and there Sat the predacon. Scrap. Guess he didn't go into stasis. But he was hurt bleeding from several areas. Something tore into him. He growled at me but did little else he looked very weak. I managed to get close to him but I kept up my form

He turned his head looking confused I smiled and took out a small energon bottle and poured some of it he quickly drank it

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He turned his head looking confused I smiled and took out a small energon bottle and poured some of it he quickly drank it. While he was distracted I healed him he looked very shocked but did nothing he went back to drinking energon. Eventually I stopped he put his head in my lap I rubbed it "no one deserves to be hurt. Especially someone as unique as you." I say then I get up and leave.
I raid the vault and med bay but on my way out I saw knockout but he was stuck in the wall. I stop and laugh karma hurts he looked around in utter confusion I was still invisible "karma knockout gotta love it." And I walk away but I snuck a picture and I leave with no issues the predacon left me alone then I get bridged back. I delivered the things I got from megatrons vault I hadn't seen steeljaw I miss him so much. *But this is war and we lose some bots* I say to myself while holding back a tear. Father asked if anything had happened on the nemesis. I said told him about knockout but not about the predacon but I did fill my energon bottle again then put it back into my pouch.

Hey guys it's me what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much!

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