scattered no more pt 1

370 11 2

The score wrote the song
Arcee's pov
I woke up to aunt elita "arceeon come quickly" she said still have a servo on me. I was still half asleep but I didn't see bee he was a early riser if I was going to be a leader I'd need to work on that.

Bumblebee's pov
I woke up my rose was still asleep this was one of the first times I'd seen her so peaceful since the war started. Something felt off I knew where we were. The harbinger. I rose quickly but quietly and I slowly took my arm from around arcee. Then I went to find everyone else. I saw elita hugging someone my spark stopped for a moment the she was back yet again.

Causeway's pov
As usual Orion is scaring all of us again. But on the bright side I get to see elita one my sister. Arcee has seen me plenty of times plus she needs her rest. It looked as if elita was lost in thought "elita?" I asked she turn she gasped and covered her mouth "now is that anyway to say hi to your sister?" I said trying to lighten the mood she ran to me and hugged me and with that she started to cry and I felt tears in my optics as well and of course I hugged back. "Its been to long elita." I said and I knew it probably wasn't the time but hey alls fair after she always teased me "so... Are you and ultra Magnus dating yet?" She quickly separated "causeway!" She yelled while blushing a bit "alls fair after you always teased me and optimus." I said back "you've been dead for 2000 years priorities!" Elita said I looked passed her I saw bumblebee he looked shocked and he had a new paint job "hey bee so what have I missed?" I asked [we might have lost optimus] he beeped and looked at the ground "ah why do you think I'm here I don't just casually come back from the dead" I said

Arcee's pov
There she was my mother "mother?" I asked "there's my girl" she said and she hugged me and with that I hugged back "hi mom" I say

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much what did you guys think of pov's

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