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Bumblebee was helping arcee with trying to walk again she had some difficulties you know after almost dying by shooting herself in the chest [you doing great cee let's try it again] bee beeped they were a decent amount away from each other arcee was walking just fine but collapsed at the last second but bee caught her "th anks bee" arcee said [not a problem] bee beeped back optimus walked in "arcee let's take a break you've been at this for a bit let's not over do it on the first day" "*sigh* ok father do you think I could meditate?" Arcee asked "yes you can I think your mother would want a update" optimus said "when's rachet coming back?" Rachet had gone out to find a test tube that had a chemical that could be used for energy efficiency "soon" then miko and bulkhead walked in "hey cee how ya feeling" miko asked "better in going to go meditate see you guys let me know when ratchets back I promised him I'd help" arcee had a servo against the wall to help balance she started to meditate the background was generally a gray cloudy area Causeway generally appeared within in a little bit after that " and there's the death cheater now" causeway said "good to see you to mom" cee said sarcastically " oh you" causeway started sing while having arcee sit down next to her

(Willow by Jasmine Thompson)
"My baby girl have hope I know that this war changed you so much sweetspark but stay true to who you are promise me that" causeway said hugging her "ok mom I promise can I ask you somthing it's about... A guy" arcee said "ohhhh a boy my baby's growing up who I need to know now" causeway said

"Its bee I want to tell him but I don't want to ruin our friendship" arcee said blushing "well do you think he returns these feelings" causeway asked "I don't know mom but he's been getting closer to me ever since it happened I don't know if it's ...

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"Its bee I want to tell him but I don't want to ruin our friendship" arcee said blushing "well do you think he returns these feelings" causeway asked "I don't know mom but he's been getting closer to me ever since it happened I don't know if it's because he wants to help or not" arcee said "when ever you feel ready arceeon or if he makes the first move but I got my optics on him" arcee face-palmed " this is what I was worried about you and father being over protective" " arcee that's my job as a parent even if I'm dead I can still try" causeway said " thanks for the vote of confidence mom (sarcasm)" " your welcome arcee just be careful war changes people" causeway said " ok bye mom see you next time" arcee said "ARCEE... Do me a favor... kick arachnids aft for me for every one in that base on that terrible day" causeway said "will do mom love you"
End of meditation and on the nemesis
Someone had arachnid pinned against a wall on the med bay the mech's teeth bared " mention my family again and I'll kill you weather Megatron likes you or not" acracnid was scared for her life for the first time in Melania.

Okay that's it for today guess who the mystery bot is hope you all like this chapter any suggestions say them in the comments and I'll try my best to use them😉

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