A primes demon pt 1

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It was arcee's first day to leave the base since she came out of stasis bring on the cliff side wasn't the same her and bumblebee where scouting possible mines or other things that they could use but if they did find cons to not engage but bridge back they could live with that arcee was just happy to get out of there once causeway found out she told arcee to always listen to bee since he was a experienced Scout so he would know what he was doing of course she would listen they ended up walking around a forest arcee loved it she had never seen a earth forest just desert and a few pictures from raf " do you know what we're supposed to look for bee?" Arcee asked [just tracks tire marks broken trees that sort of thing] bee beeped they heard a Drilling noise " arcee it's sooooo good to see you again is that bumblebee I see as well?" Arcee knew who it was immediately arcee brought out her 2 hevy duty guns (2 mini guns perk of her shifting) "acracnid you'll pay for what you did you traitor!" Arcee fired immediately bee followed soon after. Bee yelled into his comm [ we need a bridge NOW acracnids here arcee's keeping her busy] but there was no time acracnid had tunneled underneath arcee and arcee fell into the black the dust cleared just as the bridge opened and optimus with bulkhead came in.

Ok that's all for today what o god I can't believe it 103 reads already this is my first story I hope you guys are liking it if you have any suggestions same in the comments thanks so much😉

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