endgame pt 2

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No ones POV
The plan was to get to the mine if the info was was correct their would be next to no resistance so it would be easy to take then request a bridge and storm the deception war ship. Take them down and kill megatron and take whoever their second in command was. It had been going between to many bots to keep track.
Arcee's POV
In just a hour or 2 we would have the final battle of the war I looked out to the sky on the roof. Yes for some reason I live being on roofs I have no idea why. After the war what would happen if we won would I take the throne or would some bot else. No idea. This is when last time bee came to be with me.
Father had been with the deceptcreeps for a week now and they were deadly quiet. Its unnerving I slashed holo megatron in half [don't do that to the real megatron just yet] someone said I pulled out my guns as a reflex bee put his servos in the air slightly [don't shoot!] He yelled I put my guns away "sorry bee reflex." I say and I crossed my arms [it's ok how are you feeling? you've been up here for awhile] bee beeped "I'm fine." I answered coldly he pulled me into a hug [you don't seem fine. It's ok to share your bad emotions. Even the mighty need to rest.] Even if he wasn't looking at me I could tell his optics had concern in them I could sorta hug back but he had pinned my arms. One of his servos brushed my weak spot I shuttered and looked up at him. Yep. He had concern in his optics [when was the last time you slept?] Bee pressed I didn't say anything [how long was it since you ate?] He asked again I looked down his digit brought it back up [it's been a WEEK arcee you can't deny yourself like this. Team prime doesn't want you to nor expects you to deny yourself basic needs.] Bumblebee beeped "if I was a good leader I should have killed megatron were he stood the second he walked into our home." Feeling tears in my optics. I have
one of my arms and covered my mouth while looking away as the tears spilled. He had me look at him again and he kissed me I kissed back we heard the elevator and we separated because we hadn't told anyone about us together. I think both of our sparks stopped for a moment "m..mother?" I squeaked I didn't dare take my optics off her to look at bee I was worried mom would disappear more tears came. She came and hugged me I had my face in her shoulder her body shaken by my sobs she had her servo on my helm holding it. "Hi arcee. How's my girl?"
Flashback over

"Arcee!" Someone yelled I look down wheeljack was down there "come on we gotta war to win!" He went back inside I jumped down and went inside ready for revenge.

Ready to kill the mech who tore my family apart.

Ok that's all for today but what did you guys think I'm ready for suggestions! 🤓

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