memories of better times

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Arcee was in her room on her berth knee's at her neck. Her brother gone he wasn't dead or not yet at least but she couldn't locate him it killed her to not know what was going to happen to her brother. Fate had given him a cruel hand. She thought of times when it was them on cybertron at the palace where she was happy. Little did she know at the time of what terrible things were to come.
2010 years ago
14 year old arcee with 17 year old steeljaw where at training facility they were hoping to get some experience in. Steeljaw was sparing with a bot named swoop. While arcee was having a break then a bot named static walked up to her. "Lady arcee it's a pleasure to meet you." "Hm? Oh! I'm sorry but it's nice to meet you to uhh..." Arcee said "static name's static. So, what's a lovely lady like yourself doing here?" Static asked "just getting so practice in. You?" Arcee asked "same trying to become a guard.  Who knows made we might be working together." Static said he put a arm on the wall leaning agansit it blocking arcee's path. "Yeah... Who knows... uhh would you look at the time I gotta get going." Arcee said trying to go around static got up again blocking her again "why the rush my lady?" Static asked "I just remembered  I need to speak with ultra Magnus." Arcee said she looked at steeljaw he stopped sparring with swoop and growled at static arcee and static still spoke arcee trying to find some excuse to leave. When all of a sudden static was punched in the face he fell on the ground his his lip bleeding. Arcee looked up she sighed with relief "women know how to make it clear when someone's making unwanted advances." Steeljaw said he grabed arcee's arm and got her out of there
2 days later
"Steeljaw Orion prime! You did what!" Causeway yelled steeljaw sat calmly arms crossed "Yeah I punched him he was making unwanted advances with arcee." Arcee also sat next to her brother servos together in her lap. Causeway looked at her daughter "was he arceeon?" Causeway asked "Yes mother he was." Arcee said causeway smiled "good job steeljaw you've made me proud." And she left. Once the door shut arcee fell ontoher back and threw her arms in the air " unbelievable I'm just going to say it unbelievable." Steeljaw patted her stomach and left his servo on her stomach. "Don't worry sister girl. I'm sure static won't bother you now." Arcee put her servo's on his "well as long as you're here all never worry because I know you'll be able to protect me."
Present day
Then arcee thought about the moment when Megatron ripped open the closet door he still protected her and now it may have costed his life. "Your not her to protect me big brother and I can't protect you. Primus give me strength." Arcee started to sob again first chance she got Megatron was going to Die.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much. 😄💕

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