game on megatron

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"Mom... how?" Arcee asked " well it was decided that I will be the living representative of the dead a agent if you would I will stay until your father gets back and I brought something that could help." Causeway held out the keycard "this will restore your father's memories it just needs to be activated" Causeway said "how do we activate it then?" Bulkhead asked "well that's the issue we need to go to cybertron and then find vector sigma which is real it's just I have no idea where it is the primes didn't tell me much just, what they though was "need to know" causeway made finger quotes. [Yeah that's helpful] bee beeped "well first we need a means to even GET to cybertron "can't you guys just use your bridge" miko asked "no ground bridges only good for planetary transportation not galactic besides we barely made it to the Earth's atmosphere." Ratchet said "oh back to the drawing board" miko sighed "could we find one that the cons are using we know the made it to nebula that's where steel was before the brought him to Earth plus Soundwave has to get one from somewhere." Arcee said "wait wait wait wait your brother is here arcee why didn't you tell me?!?" Causeway asked "that's the important thing I was trying to tell you in my first meditation before you told the council." Arcee said "ahh... well alright then" causeway said [but trying to find a space bridge on earth that's like trying to find a needle in a haystack] bumblebee beeped rachet nodded arcee sighed "let's look through some Haystacks then. It's more than likely in a con hotspot so probably a good idea to start there see what we find." "It's a start but I can't help in fighting or finding I'm just here to monitor but I don't need energon or anything." Causeway said "maestro open the bridge let's start bee bulk with me." Arcee said the 3 walked through "rachet I need to know what have I missed with Arceeon, Orion, steeljaw I need to know." Causeway said "Arcee is becoming more of a young woman. Optimus trained with her from time to time and had a sense of relief I hadn't seen him in a long time when arcee and steeljaw were here together. Steeljaw still had that look in his optic when he came to us he's still was protective of arcee. She told me that steeljaw said arcee had to leave or else Megatron might find her and he'd never forgive himself like in your song in little ways everything stays." Ratchet said causeway smiled war does unfathomable things but in little ways everything stays a ping was heard they both looked at the computer screen a message from starscream.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much for 400 reads primus this huge!!!😄😄

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