relic hunt

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The decpticons were hunting for the iacon relics 4 ones that the autobots knew of as well. Arcee, bumblebee, miko, and jack were off to new york. They went through the bridge. Arcee saw large buildings it looked like a small scale cybertron to her. Once they got to the subway tunnels arcee and bumblebee went into there bot mode. They heard a engine fearing a train they hid. A train went by a couple minutes later the train went by and the 4 came out. Bumblebee was about to step on a rail "hold it bee!" Miko said his foot was about to touch it too. "Third rail one step and your fried." Miko said [Oh scrap better be careful] and bee did his best to avoid the rail arcee just kept walking the way she was a strait line. "When did this become what wad that game... twister?" Arcee asked [ha ha very funny arcee." Bumblebee beeped she gave a chuckle at this. About 20 mins later they heard drilling nosies there was knockout and about 10 drones and 1 insecticon. "How's this going to workout? I've only seen 1 insecticon and I let that one away. Knockout we can handle same for the drones." Arcee said she looked at bumblebee [well I could make a diversion and you snag the relic while no one's looking.] Bee beeped back [and I'll kick k.o's aft for all the bots he's killed.] Bumblebee beeped "Revenge will not bring back those we've lost, bumblebee." Arcee said bee nodded "whenever you ready bee." Arcee said going invisible [] bumblebee ran to attack he was doing very well but knockout noticed the relic pod disappear "you fools! The shifter had the pod find her kill her of necessary but at that pod back!" Knockout yelled he got out his buzz saw. About 5 drones still thought bumblebee everyone else and the and the insecticon went to go find arcee. She was booking it she quickly hid and took out the relic thank primus she knew exactly what it did a phase shifter solid outside objects to pass through you and vice versa. Just then her invisibility started to give out. perfect. She put on the phase shifter and activated it. A buzz saw went through her she spun around guns out and shot knockout. He landed hard. "I just buffed that!" Knockout yelled "i've seen worse." Arcee said and she went to go find bumblebee. When arcee found him he was bring dragged by the insecticon she quickly hid and took s rock and threw it just like on cybertron it dropped bumblebee and went to go investigate she got him out of there and went to go find the humans. Jack and miko where on a service vehicle it was malfunctioning so it couldn't stop. Once arcee noticed this she quickly started to try and stop it. The track lead to a wall but the one next to it kept going she tried using the lever present but it broke so she she wedged yourself between the two and started trying to move it and she did and just where that service vehicle ended up. It landed by knockout and it really messed up his paint job I mean seriously messed up his paint job. And plus he was running from bumblebee because bee had woken up just as knockout was passing by. Eventually with swearing in the service worker to secrecy the 4 left with the phase shifter still on arcee but it wasn't activated. They delivered the phase shifter back and Ratchet said it would be of some use.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much.😛💗

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