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Arcee's POV
I was on the roof again it was very dark the full moon was the only thing that allowed me to see the base in a abandoned military camp. It was nights like these that was perfect for meditation but after the floating incident I wasn't sure about it.
Steeljaw's POV
Mom was giving birth. I'm gonna be a big brother dad was in there with her aunt elita was waiting with with me she was sitting next to me I was having trouble staying awake. Just as I was nodding off a nurse came "ms. One, prince steeljaw?" She asked she looked timid was something wrong? "Yes what of my sister and niece? Are they alright?" Aunt elita asked "it would be easier is um you spoke with doctor ratchet he could explain this better." She said "before I do what's your name dear?" Aunt elita picked me up "dawndrop, Ms. One dawndrop." Dawndrop said "what a lovely name thank you. I believe I can make it to my sisters room is ratchet is there?" She asked nurse dawndrop nodded I didn't know what was going on I just wanted to see mom and arceeon (new baby sister)
5 minutes later
"Steeljaw meet your baby sister arceeon." Mom said she held arcee her optics were blue and pink mine were yellow arcee stared at me then started reaching for my servo my spark was melting I held her servo and she tried to return the gesture but she could only hold my digit. Arcee let go and started to struggle she was moving her back a lot mom adjusted her trying to calm her down. I was worried about cee but thankfully she stopped but tears rolled down her cheeks "see? Your ok arceeon that wasn't so bad just be careful ok?" Mom said arcee looked back at me and reached for me mom nodded I hopped up onto the berth and mom carefully allowed me to hold arcee I wiped away the tears telling her it ok and I would do everything I could to keep her safe. The dad and ratchet and aunt elita came "aww is this little arceeon? She so cute. Can I hold her Cora?" She asked "of course but be careful she already hit her back and she just a hour old." Mom said "mom? What's wrong is arcee ok?" I ask "it's very complicated but there's a spot on the center of her back that when touched it does a great deal of pain. We think with enough pressure she could even go unconscious. I hope that's not true." Mom said
Flashback over
Arcee's POV
The spot on my back still stayed as my weak spot steeljaw was always careful about touching that spot once bee found out about it he was always just as careful we had been like that since we were kids. Then something snapped me out of my thoughts it wasn't a bot but it was a sound I smiled they were wolves howling at the moon. Steeljaw had admitted to howling with them once or twice tears came down my cheeks. I howled with them hoping one day steeljaw would howl back.

Gahhhhh. I had this idea and started typing it immediately I think it's really good what did you think any suggestions say them in the comments I'll try to use them byeeeeee.😊

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