getting used to it

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Arcee was on a examination table meditating giving a slight smile bee was a bit nervous because he wanted to talk with her but she was probably still taking things in like she waited 6 hours after he got back from tyger pax. Rachet tapped arcee lightly 10 seconds later she opened her optics (she closes her Optics so she doesn't freak anyone out while she's meditating) " I can't see anything wrong you should be alright how do you feel" "feeling fine just wondering how long I was in stasis" arcee said "that's for optimus to tell you" rachet answered "why do I have the feeling it was for a long time?" She said sarcastically "but can someone show me around I don't think I'm going back into stasis again right?" Arcee said "no no your staying I need all the medical help I can so how strong do you think your healing is at the moment?" Rachet asked " I believe it's at a decent height at the moment maestro" arcee answered " good good bumblebee can you show arcee around her quarters are right next to yours on the right" [will do ready cee] bee said " yeah I need to move my legs a bit more" and off they went

Okay guys I know this one was way shorter than what I'm used to but oh well I was just a bit busy today and and I know I've been getting quite amount of attention for this being my first story I just hope that some of you guys can list of suggestions in the comments I'll try my best I just hope that some of you guys can list of suggestions in the comments I'll try my best to use them😉

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