I'm so sorry

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Arcee's pov
Another relic was found which is weird because I thought we found them all. Guess not. "Orion? Do you know anything about this relic? Because I've never heard of it." Aunt Elita queried "it's familiar put I can't put my digit on it" father replied I was sitting but feeling odd. Ever since they returned smokescreen had been acting weird I've got a bad feeling about this.
???? Pov
I was walking around the autobot base it's nothing special I've noticed the blue femme has the protection of the allspark with her the prime is her father. The yellow and black mechs name is bumblebee and he is close with the bot I'm possessing. Bulkhead I think his name is the green mech bulkhead he set me free I'll leave him. I need to learn their patterns so nobot will suspect me. Although the blue femme is looking at me weirdly I fear I may soon be discovered. The pink femme is also related to her in some way. I finally find my container it was cramped in there well I was in there for 5 million years don't ask.
Ratchets pov
Smokescreen is acting odd I asked him if anything was bothering him but he said no. Arcee was feeling bad not guilty but physically feeling like she was sick. But her systems read normal. "I'm sorry arceeon I can't find anything." I said "that's ok maestro I'm going to meditate then recharge. Kay? Maybe some recharge 'll help." Arcee said she looked at me "Let's try that. Must I remind you, you are still recovering from the mine." I said she nodded and left.
Arcee's pov
I start to meditate like I always do mother appeared in my room. The way it worked now is the chamber I guess? Took the form of wherever I was at "arceeon. Listen to me there's something possessing smokescreen the relic that optimus found and when bulkhead opened it. The spirit took control of him. I and or the holocron made you feel ill because I knew you would want to talk to me. get that container just there's a button on the side and the lid so you press the button when with the black thing and inevitably goes back in put the light on in Smokescreen may be mildly confused but to heck with it." Mom said while making alot of servo movements "on it." I say and open my optics again I go to tell father. He agrees to help find him I start walking with him to the relic room but fate had other ideas and guess who came by while holding the freaking container. Smokescreen whatever was possessing him must have read out faces because with his free servo he pulled out his gun and almost shot father but I got in the way and I got shot in the spark. Again. Then it all went black.
Optimus's pov
Arcee fell I caught her before she hit the floor but she was leaking severely from the spark I thought again from when arachnid had gotten her I heard elita yell "to heck with it!" And a pink figure start taking on smokescreen. Ratchet rushes over I was silently panicking I couldn't loose my daughter. She's all I have left ratchet is working as hard as he can I hear a large crash we both look up. Smokescreen is down elita one is holding wheeljack's swords?! Primus how'd she get those one of the swords is at his neck "yield." She said with a edge in her voice she looked ready to kill him. Smokescreen went unconscious. ratchet was already working again once I looked down. The wound closed "she'll be alright. This one wasn't as bad as arachnid. But I'm not sure when she'll wake up." Ratchet said ultra Magnus picked up the container and some black thing came from him he put the lid on and hugged elita to tell her it was ok. She walked over to us "I've come to the conclusion that selflessness is contagious. Think about it Cora died trying to protect her sparkings steeljaw may have died trying to protect his sister and arceeon here takes a bullet for you." Elita said I picked her up and took her to the med bay. Bumblebee didn't look very happy I knew why

"you ok bee?" Bulkhead asked [oh yeah I'm fine my femmefriend didn't just get shot by one of my best friends why do you ask?!] He beeped sarcastically and with some tone I hope he didn't mean harm.
3 days later
Arcee's pov (third person)
Arcee's optics open her chest and throat hurt she slowly start to sit up but gently pushed back down "there's my niece. Stay down kay." Aunt elita's voice came "father?" Arcee asked it hurt to talk "he's alright but you scared him to the allspark and back." She said "Smokescreen?" Arcee asked "he's ok too. Kicked the scrap outta him though." Elita said arcee tried to sit up again "arceeon. Stay down. Ratchet! Arcee's awake but she's trying to sit up!" Elita yelled ratchet came "you gave us quite the scare cee. Don't worry optimus is ok." Ratchet said "do you want to see him?" Aunt elita asked arcee nodded she smile and got up. Arcee sighed and shut her optics something touched her servo and held it next thing she knew. "Hey father" arcee said "how are you feeling arceeon?" Optimus asked "felt better that's for sure." Arcee replied "Jack! Arcee's awake come quick before she gets shot again!" Miko yelled arcee looked at the catwalk "Hey partner" arcee said "Hey cee" Jack replied "how you feeling?" Jack asked "just got shot in the spark again how do you think I feel?" She asked "not that well." Jack said "does it help that your on mild anesthetic?" Ratchet asked arcee sighed elita started to chuckle "don't worry arceeon you'll be back on your feet in no time" optimus said "can I try sitting up now?" Arcee asked ratchet nodded elita was sitting close to her on the berth optimus was sitting on a stool with enough strength arcee sat up "next up. Walking. Then driving." Arcee said "not all today arceeon rose." Ratchet said raf walked by "Hey arcee" he said "hi raf. How are you?" Arcee asked "Good. Hope you feel better soon" raf said

Word count: 1073
That's a recorded woo! Wanted to write that for a while that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much!🤓

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