The Sharpie incident

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Arcee's pov

3 weeks after darkmount fell we got a new base back in jasper. Everyone was settling in Nicely father was thankfully ok and the cons were almost beaten they just had there warship. Wheeljack was in portal I was talking dad and to aunt ariel... elita darn it. Anyways bee was messing around with bulkhead. Maestro was annoyed as usual at this and ultra Magnus was around there was well wheeljack always set him off.

Wheeljack's pov
I was on potral and I stopped in a parking lot the what looked like a 3 year old human came over and started freaking drawing on Me! I just sat there I couldn't transform in such a crowed area but thankfully the mother came over a little bit later and left. Yeah I waited for a bit then drove back to base. No way anyone was going to let me live this down even if it comes off.

No one's pov
Wheeljack came back to base and bulkhead was walking by once he saw the sharpie he burst out laughing "What happened Jackie?" Bulkhead asked "some human that's what" wheeljack responded hottly they walked past everyone wheeljack hoping knowbot would notice once he heard elita one though he knew they noticed. They looked at everyone's reactions optimus let out a very sharp exhale to serve as a small laugh. Arcee had a servo over her mouth to stop her laugh but failed. Magnus was chuckling with ratchet. Elita was laughing out loud in no attempt to hide it. Jack, miko, and raf were laughing just as hard as elita smokescreen had his servos on his knee's while laughing  "can somebot tell me how to get this stuff off me!" Wheeljack shouted "soap, water, time, and patience" raf said [I don't think patience is in vocabulary.] Bee beeped "What vocabulary?" Arcee asked everyone burst into more laughter even optimus. "Really cee? I trusted you!" Wheeljack said "bad idea." Elita said arcee snorted

This is legit important. WE HIT GOD DANG 3K READS HOLY PRIMUS! Huge! Thank you so much for over 3k reads! Can't that you guys enough!

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