synthetic Energon pt 3

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Every one had been back for a bit. But arcee noticed that ratchet had a few scrapes that she healed but nothing more so one of the few times she could leave the base since the  "arachnid incident" She was running around on speed training with everyone else ratchet took up the lead with her behind him followed by Optimus and then bumblebee and bulkhead. Arcee was having a hard time keeping up she had no idea how ratchet was doing it. Oh right synthetic energon. They took a break by a canyon. Bee and bulk were talking arcee was looking in the canyon eavesdropping on her father and her teacher. Arcee was debating who to stand with her father or her godfather and her teacher. Eventually ratchet called Optimus soft. Arcee stood in between the 2 bots "ratchet. Cool it." Arcee said "what?" Ratchet asked "you heard me cool it!" Arcee yelled "Arcee you know." Ratchet started but arcee cut him off "this isn't you. I told you the syth en wouldn't be good for you. Did you listen? No! But maybe if you just took it down a bit then maybe we could still work on this and..." Optimus put a servo on arcee's shoulder arcee looked back at her father "calm yourself arcee we can all get riled up." "Yes father. I apologize for that sudden outburst." Arcee said [I think it's time to head on back to base] bumblebee beeped "agreed" bulkhead said
2 hours later
Ratchet had gone to a active Decepticon mine. Arcee didn't see until it was to late she cursed in cybertronian and slammed her servo into the comms "guys get over here NOW ratchet went to the mine you guys were trying to get ON HIS OWN." So Optimus, bumblebee, and bulkhead went thought. Arcee got many traits from her father in this case it was pacing. Thankfully the humans were there so that ment raf "raf, open the bridge I'm going through." Arcee said she looked at the small human she knew that raf looked up to ratchet just as much as she did "I'll bring him back a primes honor." Raf smiled back and opened the bridge arcee went through she slid between 2 drones and shot 3 others she shifted into her owl form again and threw 2 drones fighting bumblebee [cee why the heck are you here?!!] "What? Oh so you guys get to risk your lives saving someone on some weird experimental Energon but I can't!" Arcee yelled [I don't know! I'm just not used to ya scaring the scrap out of me with your owl form!] He beeped back "where's ratchet?" Arcee asked she shot another drone and cut 2 others. [O saw him going up there.] Bee pointed up to a tunnel. "You got this right?" Arcee asked [why is that a question? But yeah I got this] bee beeped back. Arcee flew off. She saw knockout fight with ratchet but he saw severely bleeding arcee used her talons and pinned him against the cave wall scratching up his paint job in the process "Oh you'll pay for that... owl?" Knockout said arcee then flung him outside the tunnel after the cons saw there lead medic being thrown they retreated the started to heal. Then the other came arcee was to focused to noticed. "Arceeon." She spun around "father, good let's get him home." Optimus nodded.
3 hours later
Ratchet woke up he saw his goddaughter and student looking at his systems "arcee I..." Ratchet started "don't worry about it maestro." She turned around "you lost a lot of energon good and bad." Optimus walked "and you lead us to a much needed supply"

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much for over 700 reads sweet primus I assume you guys are liking this then.😄💕💕

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