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Arcee felt like talking to her brother so she pulled out the object that her brother gave her she called it a tellacomunicater steeljaw agreed bumblebee decided to join her. She twisted the top just to call him. It rang the 2 waited for about 10 seconds until a message from him came up "Hello dear sister I'm sorry to say but this will be that last time that we talk it's not of my own free will either the decepicons has cornered me. And there is no doubt that they will kill me or make me into somthing where I'm not me anymore. If they do kill me don't be sad I know we can still talk through the holocron and I'll be with mother. If they don't you are the best little sister ever and I was lucky to have you." They could here steeljaw tearing up he continued "tell father that I love him and he was the best father ever. Bumblebee I wish you and arcee the best but if I die and you break her spark I'm gonna haunt the heck outta you. Ratchet please continue to look after arcee for me and don't forget that I will always love you. To bulkhead and wheeljack keep doing what your doing. To the humans Jack, miko, and raf. Jack, arcee will take care of you don't worry. Miko try not to annoy ratchet so much but you do have a great music tastes. Raf I hope you have a great relationship with ratchet. I love you all do not avenge me I'll be with you in your sparks and hearts. This is steeljaw Orion prime signing off of the last time. Goodbye." They heard gun shots and howling. Arcee had her mouth covered with her left servo while her right held the tellacomunicater she was shaking. Bumblebee was stunned he was standing but sat down and put his servos to his head tears were flowing freely down arcee's face followed by muffled sobs the 2 stayed like that for a bit. Optimus was in his room he heard arcee and immediately went to his daughter. He didn't even knock he just opened the door "Arcee what happened?" Optimus asked bumblebee looked up [optimus. Steeljaws... gone.] Optimus's optics widened his only son gone "how do you know?" He asked arcee let out another sob "he gave a final transmission." Arcee said "no this can't be happening." Optimus said "I wish father." Arcee said she looked at bumblebee he was crying too. Optimus hugged arcee he wanted to cry but he needed to be strong for his daughter. Eventually They played the message for everyone else arcee couldn't stay for it she went back to her room and didn't know what to do tell her mother of her brothers fate or just pray that he was already with her. But that day she swore revenge on the decpticons for everything they had done.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much. But geez that was hevy. 😣

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