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Burning the midnight oil

Arcee's pov
Another day the next day they would attack darkmount everyone was a bit nervous it didn't help that there's no sign of smokescreen or my father. I hope there ok. I slept with mom tonight it was one the few chances I have aunt elita is on the next berth over holding my mom's servo. "Go to sleep arceeon" mom said "trying mom" I whisper back "you've been so brave sweetspark keep it up I believe in you." Mom whispered "love you to" I say after a few more minutes I pass out in the good way but I fell asleep harder the maestro throws his wrenches.

Dream/memory (no pov)
"Do you need help sister?" Steeljaw asked "maybe brother boy" arcee said she was adjusting a sleeve on her dress it was a big night the mondata's were a finicky race they where plant like creatures they where a bit taller the optimus.

Dream/memory (no pov)"Do you need help sister?" Steeljaw asked "maybe brother boy" arcee said she was adjusting a sleeve on her dress it was a big night the mondata's were a finicky race they where plant like creatures they where a bit taller the ...

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Arcee's dress ^

Steeljaws tux ^

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Steeljaws tux ^

Optimus's tux ^

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Optimus's tux ^

Causeway's dress ^

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Causeway's dress ^

Bee's suit (no cape) ^

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Bee's suit (no cape) ^

There was a knock on the door "come in" steeljaw said bumblebee came in "wow talk about fancy bee" arcee said "right back at you cee and jaws" bumblebee said "thanks bb" arcee said "thanks bee" steeljaw said. During the dinner (idk) the mondata's came there king came with his son. Bumblebee was keeping a optic on his friends "hello king optimus queen causeway thank you for this invitation I'm sure this treaty will benefit both our species. My name is calip. This is my son prince Aaron." King calip said and at hearing his name he gave a slight bow to optimus and causeway. "Oh course king calip. These are our children." Optimus gestured to steeljaw and arcee to introduce themselves. "My name is steeljaw" steeljaw said arcee was holding on to steeljaws arm like causeway was holding onto optimus's arm "My name is arcee" arcee said prince Aaron smiled a little. "Steeljaw, arceeon why don't you 2 show prince Aaron around?" Causeway said "alright mother." Steeljaw said arcee smiled sweetly at prince Aaron who walked next to them after they left the ball room Aaron spoke "thanks for getting me outta there. I'm not very good at this whole formal thing." Aaron said "trust me prince to prince neither am I" steeljaw said "I don't really like dresses not very easy to defend in them" arcee said Aaron gave a shocked look "now sister be nice Aaron is a visitor alright." Steeljaw said but he gave a chuckle while he was speaking "so your not going to attack me?" Aaron asked "Oh No! It's just I generally don't like wearing dresses and I was trying to get a point across I didn't mean to scare you." Arcee said "its ok you have a interesting sense of humor that's all" Aaron said "generally she doesn't have one period." Steeljaw said as he nudged her with his elbow "steeel!" Arcee yelled "haha if these are the friends I'm going to have it'll be exciting when I become king" Aaron said "Oh and who is taking the throne of cybertron after your father?" Aaron asked "me." Steeljaw said "him" arcee said at the same time "ah" Aaron said then bumblebee came "sorry to inerupt you highnesses but king optimus and queen causeway want you back in the ball room and optimus is lookin none to pleased" bee said steeljaw and arcee looked at each other optimus didn't like to show when he was annoyed or angry so someone did somthing and it was big.
30 min later
Arcee or steeljaw had not heard what had made optimus and causeway so mad but the did hear causeway ranting to elita one about but the thick door made it hard to eavesdrop they 3 gave up on trying to hear it and just hoped that someone would tell them "to bad Aaron had to leave he was nice" steeljaw said " yes. Wonder what made mom and dad so mad." Arcee said "who knows cee who knows" the optimus and causeway came in "are we interrupting something?" Causeway asked "no mother what's up?" Steeljaw said "well the main reason the dinner kind of went down hill is because well..." causeway trained off "arcee, calip wanted you to marry him." Optimus said arcee's face went somewhere between shocked and disgusted "no. No. There is no way in primus's core I'm marrying some 60 year old plant person. Right steel back me up here. If 14." Arcee said steeljaw stood up "mother father calip is in his 60's and I would never allow my 14 year old sister to marry him." Steeljaw said "well if you 2 would let us finish we rejected that offer." Optimus said "immediately." Causeway said "that's it I'm done" steeljaw said "unbelievable why did you not say that directly after!" Arcee yelled "you didn't let us finish" causeway said hugging her 2 children "that's enough excitement for one day good night you 2" optimus said "night mom night dad night steel" arcee said give them hugs.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much. I needed to get that out of my system this chapter had 884 words. New record!

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