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Arcee's pov
Today was the day. To finally take darkmount I heard ultra Magnus and mother speaking she made Magnus swear to keep aunt elita safe I knew he would. "Alright! Let's do this darkmount isn't gonna take itself! Everyone remember the plan?" I asked I got some yes's a 2 yeahs and a beep of confirmation from bb. "Let's do this then!" I yell and we were off.

Causeway's pov
I pulled ultra Magnus aside "promise me something. You will do everything in your power to keep elita one safe." I say "yes causeway I'll try" ultra Magnus said "thank you ultra Magnus" I said we stood there for 12 seconds awkwardly until he broke the silence. "What do you remember?' He asked "sometimes memories can be the worst form of torture" I say "I see" and ultra Magnus left

Bumblebee's pov
[Arcee!] I beeped "yes love?" Arcee asked [be careful. Ok? This is are biggest fight yet.] I beep pulling her closer arcee stayed silent the pointy part of her crown wasn't on she didn't take it off that much she took it off when she recharged but other than that not many other times. "What about the time when father lost his memories? Or when ratchet went to active mine on his own?" Arcee asked [Good point but you catch my drift] I beeped "we don't have father or Smokey here and I doubt steeljaw is coming back. We've had worse odds" she said [eh optimus not having his memories was a close one] I beep arcee moved out of my grip "come one we have work to do."

3 hours later
Arcee's pov
The plan fell apart after the ground team was captured I was stunned by the bot that looks like my brother

Necrosis was his name steel warned me about him part of me wanted to believe that that's him but I know it's not steeljaw would never treat me like this I had something around me neck somthing called a anti-shift collar and as the name suggests I ...

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Necrosis was his name steel warned me about him part of me wanted to believe that that's him but I know it's not steeljaw would never treat me like this I had something around me neck somthing called a anti-shift collar and as the name suggests I cannot shift. I'm not all shift just give me time. But that was running out next thing I knew I was in front for Megatron starscream holding me down

 But that was running out next thing I knew I was in front for Megatron starscream holding me down

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shockwave in the background knockout smirking. " Well cece that was quite the attempt you made. Shockwave what are we to do with her?" Megatron said "perhaps do a similar process to her as her brother. But with one change the chip it was successful for steeljaw and it would be for her. As for her fellow autobots. Killing them would be logical my Lord." Shockwave said I jerked forward starscream losing his grib I spun around getting my servos back in front of me instead of my back nailed screamer in the face and broke the cuffs and got mother's gun from a drone who wad fozen with shock and shot shockwave right in the optic. Yeah it felt right. But just before I could the collar off I felt pain shoot from my neck. I fell to my knees. But it didn't stop let out a involuntary scream of pain. I heard a crash then Megatron groaning I tried to get up but everything hurt. "Arceeon!" The voice said it couldn't be him. Well wouldn't be the first time he pulled a stunt like this. Aunt elita's voice came full of worry "is she alright optimus?" Strong arms lifted me and holding me then there thank the primes he was there I hugged him "hi daddy." I say

Optimus's pov
With the help of smokescreen I survived and I had a new body because of the hammer of souless prime. I flew to darkmount there I saw everyone but this time with elita one and ultra Magnus. But I didn't see arcee. Primus what are they doing to my daughter I take down the drones and elita immediately hugs me with she's my sister in law I hug her back "where's arcee." I asked she had a look of fear in her optics then looked to darkmount I knew "Let's get her back" I said we made our way up darkmount making stealth kills. We are almost there when I hear a scream. *Arcee I'm coming hold on* I thought I ran up and threw Megatron into his throne

elita one started taking on starscream and ultra Magnus, bumblebee, and bulkhead kept there guns on Megatron

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elita one started taking on starscream and ultra Magnus, bumblebee, and bulkhead kept there guns on Megatron. Wheeljack went to go take care of knockout. I see arcee on the ground somthing around her neck I lift her up and what she said next broke my spark in a pain voice she wrapped her arms around my neck and said "hi daddy."

Arcee's pov
Agent folwer's voice came from the comm "arcee we are moving in get outta there now." He said "right. Everyone my father is alive..." I looked at him he smiled "and well. Make your move agent folwer. Ratchet a bridge if you wouldn't mind." A portal formed behind us father who still held me a little helped me and we left.

We saw darkmount fall good riddance we got the anti shift collar of good riddance to that thing to smokescreen is ok. Mother was ecstatic to see us again father held both of us maestro smiled in the backround and took me to get looked at about a hour after all that happened matim started to fade "darn you primus. Well I love you all." Matim said she kissed father and hugged aunt elita and me then vanished.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much!

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