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I edited the photo the were 2 separate photo's. But is it cool that there looking at each other?

Arcee's/ steeljaws memory no pov

Arcee was 10 steeljaw was 13 bee was 11. It was 3 weeks before the cybertronan version of Christmas. Arcee was the first to wake out of the group of 3 (bee included) arcee walked onto her balcony what she saw confused her the ground was all white and it was a lot colder than normal. She walked to steeljaws room and went in quietly he was recharging on his right side facing away from the door and to the windows she pressed on his back "steeeeeeeeeeeel. Wake uuuuupppppp." Arcee said steeljaw gave a slight noise "wake up ya bimbo!" Arcee said louder "cee? What time is it?" Steeljaw asked half asleep  "7:45. Now use your optics and look outside." Arcee stated impatiently "by primus's name sister girl it better be the the apocalypse if it's this is important" steeljaw said getting up from his berth and moving the tarp (cybertronan version of blankets) he looked out his window "What the primus?" He said a bit confused and shocked "told ya brother boy. I dunno what it is should we ask mom and dad?" Arcee asked "more than likely. Come sister." Steeljaw took arcee's servo then the 2 children went to see there parents. "Morning you 2" causeway said trying to reach a box on a shelf while elita one was holding the ladder she was on "causeway cora one prime be careful." Elita said "I'll be fine elitaaaaa!" Causeway said she had sliped just after getting the box but she landed in optimus's arms "you should have been more careful causeway." Optimus said "hm. Your timing is always impeccable oppy." Causeway said optimus kissed her forehelm causeway gave a hum "ewww." Arcee stated steeljaw chucked elita looked in the box that causeway was trying to get "aw, there goes gramma snowburst's favorite bobble." Optimus put causeway down "don't worry sis nothing a little glue won't fix" causeway reladaed picking up the box "mom what's the stuff outside?" Arcee asked "ah that's called snow it's very rare to have on cybertron wasn't the last time it snowed when we were still dating Optimus? " causeway asked "yeah, we managed to sneak attack optimus, ironhide, and ultra Magnus while they where walking by with chromia. Remember?" Elita exclaimed "yes haha how could I forget?" Causeway said covering her mouth "well I wanna rematch." A gruff voice said they turned around there was ironhide, chromia, and bee "oh please, your just mad because the femme squad won." Chromia said "he had a good idea cora why not a rematch have the sparks (kids) join as well" elita said "Yeah! Oh and I promise that I won't shift." Arcee stated "I promise not to drain" steeljaw said
10 mins later
There snow walls were up. Arcee tried to get ratchet to help but he said no. The girls were 1 short so the allowed arcee to shift into a tiny owl to preform air drops. but they were pretty confident that they could win
"Let's do this!" Arcee yelled there were lots of snowballs flying around arcee got ironhide in the face chromia hit optimus and Magnus elita followed on ultra Magnus. Then arcee made a air drop getting bumblebee on the head but he retaliated and shot her out of the air "I'm ok!" Arcee yelled making a thumbs up👍then the fight continued optimus was the first to fall then elita then Magnus along with steeljaw. Chromia went down to arcee made the final blow on bumblebee  "victory!" The girls yelled arcee, bumblebee, and steeljaw were running around for a bit longer making there own mobal snowball fight it resulted in a 3 way draw. They went inside and they sat down steeljaw on arcee's left arcee in the center and bumblebee on arcee's right. All 3 of them fell into recharge. The parents of their respective child took pictures and left them be.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much!🤓

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