return of the eldest

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"Hello dear sister." Steeljaw said "Hey there brother boy" arcee said "whose this?" Steeljaw asked gesturing to Wheeljack "name's wheeljack I assume that your steeljaw" wheeljack said "you assume correctly." Steeljaw said "how was Florida?" Arcee asked [yeah jaws. And where else have you been?] Bumblebee chirped "I did overhear a few drones talking about a wolf bot taking down breakdown, oh I wonder who that could be." Arcee said sarcastically "1 Florida was nice a bit hot but nice 2 we crossed paths in a forest on my way here and I wasn't going to let him catch me again. besides he's one of Megatron's Heavy Hitters and I drained him pretty dang well so you probably won't have to worry about him for a bit or at least until he recovers." Steeljaw said [where else have you been jaws] bumblebee beeped "uhhh Kansas, Kentucky, California I believe it's called and I've gotten a few energon stores here and there and I took the Liberty of bringing some of it." Steeljaw brought out a bag. It was decently sized "I still want to be of use in this war and somthing odd happened on my way here." Steeljaw said arcee asked "what's odd."  "I ran into starscream and he didn't try to take me back. He looked at me looked away for a second them walked away like nothing happened." Steeljaw said "that's... odd." Ratchet said "we know screamer went rogue so that's probably it" bulkhead "heh that makes sense." Steeljaw said "Father are you ok? you've been very quiet." Arcee asked "I'm fine just listening. Starscream is a very complex bot that's one of the many reasons why he can be unpredictable." Optimus said [that and his over-the-top ego.] Bumblebee beeped "agreed" wheeljack said. Arcee, Steeljaw, and bumblebee went to bumblebee room to talk in private just as 3 friends and family for arcee and steel. "am I missing something between you 2?" Steel asked [welllllllll, arcee should we tell him?] Bumblebee asked arcee sighed "steeljaw, this is very recent but me and bee are together sort of." Steeljaw just sat there stunned "well... this is now a thing." Bumblebee looked down "does father know?" Steeljaw asked "no just you and mother." Arcee said she looked at bee "you 2 should tell them were a team and that could interfere with the war." Steeljaw responded [we know but we don't know how to tell them] bumblebee beeped "well just tell them the same way you told me." Steel said and after that the 3 just spoke like they used to before the war
Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much😄💕

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