the allspark

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Causeway's POV

Alpha trion came up with another prophecy I was to write it and transport it to arcee. I was fine with that he just liked to make it confusing as heck! And as this involves my family I'd like to know what this mech is writing about my family. As I wrote sentinel my father in law walked in "hey way what's going on?" He asked "hey sent just writing this prophecy for the autobots." I moved at but he snorted "and trying to figure out what trion is writing?" He crossed his arms "oh please I've seen you look over her shoulder." A voice said we both looked and there in the doorway was omnia (om-ni-a) sentinel's sparkmate "we're both guilty of it. So any luck wayway?" Omina said that nickname was really stupid but hey she's been sayin for Meliania so can't stop her now. "No. If we can't figure it out how can they?" I demand "their smart they'll figure it out. Give 'em time."  Sentinel said "what if they run out of time?" Omnia demanded optimus was there only child I had elita at least but... here I didn't have my sister I didn't have my parents I hope they were ok. The war tore us apart my father, elita, and me stayed behind to fight while my mother... she left. My father stormchaser sure lived up to his name he never backed down from a fight. My mother fate she couldn't stand bloodshed she is also where I got my voice. So she left. Alive or dead I knew not. I missed them both. I finished writing while sentinel and omnia were talking omnia very bitter.

The great battle ends the speechless shall regain a voice.

I figured that meant bumblebee which is good the mech deserves his voice.

The dead return for a day. A time of peace. But evil never sleeps. As they fight. A wolf howls. A dark secret discovered. Then betrayal. Will they be victorious? Only time shall tell.

What did it all mean? Ugh. why did alpha trion have to be such a confusing bot? "You know.... what does 'a wolf howls' mean?" Omnia asked. lightbulb. "Steeljaw. He was turned into a wolf-con. Arcee told me that he the he howled at the earth's moon once or twice." I say "still haven't found him?" Sentinel said I shook my head no. A uneasy look came across sentinel and omnia's faces "they have to find him. Right?" Omnia asked ending the silence. "Yeah they have too." Sentinel replied I nodded. The meeting ended there later that day I visited chromia and ironhide they were watching bee and smokescreen those 2 were racing and smokey won. Afterwards I delivered the prophecy I left it on her desk it would be a hard goodbye if she saw me. Thankfully she was recharging at the time. As a spirit in the land of the living I wasn't solid and I had flames dancing around me and I could phase through walls and other things sarrow filled me as I visited. I held arcee's servo for a little bit "see you next time arceeon." I whispered and I visited optimus he was almost in recharge I stayed quiet he must have felt me he turned his head "causeway? Am I dying?" Optimus asked softly I smiled sweetly and shook my head no I walked to him and sat down next to him. He tried to touch me but his servo went through me I felt worse than I has since I arrived optimus smiled at me "it's ok don't feel bad just you being here is enough." As much as it hurt I sang

You taught me the courage of stars of before I left.
How light carries on endlessly, even after death.

With shortness of breath you explained the infinite.
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.

I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again.
I tried to write it down
But I could never find a pen

I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time, that the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes.

I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again.
I tried to write it down but I could never find a pen.

I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time, that the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes.

The shortness of breath, I'll explain  the infinite.

How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist.

I finished and he had fallen into recharge. I wanted to stay but death claimed me long ago. I kissed his forehelm and left.

Death will claim megatron eventually. Then I will be avenged.

Death claims all eventually.

The lyrics for causeway's song is  Saturn by: sleeping at last
I couldn't get the link to work sorry. But you guys know the drill byeeeeee💟

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