just us

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It had been about a week since smokescreen had arrived arcee and bumblebee hung out together often. It reminded arcee and bumblebee of the group they had with steeljaw although they kept this to themselves since steel's disappearance still had a effect on them. "Then you'll want to jab right by the neck if possible but if not... arceeon." Optimus said "I apologize I've just had some things on my mind." Arcee said "ratchet told me you've been zoning out, what's wrong?" Optimus asked "the war and wondering if it's even worth it anymore." Arcee said her servo went to her pouch where it now contained the holocron her music player and a slideshow of pictures from her sparklinghood and finally her old tellacomunicater. They had found the shards of steeljaws 2 weeks earlier. "Arcee, I believe you know that answer already." Optimus said "yes I  do but all of this... it's just I'm done with it!" Arcee said "I am as well but you need to keep your helm in the game." Optimus said raising his voice just a little bit. Arcee looked up she sighed "I...I don't want to loose you too." Optimus said "nor do I want to loose you to father." Arcee said she hugged him. Well tried to anyways gotta love height differences. Optimus gave a soft smile that his family loved so much.
2 hours later
Arcee was doing a one handed pushups in the air in her berthroom a boredom project her legs were in the air together her right arm behind her back and using her left to push her up and down. A knock on the door "one moment!" Arcee yelled she rolled forward got up and opened the door. "Hey bee. Oh primus it's not father again is it?" Arcee asked [no, optimus is fine just talking with ratchet.] Arcee sighed with relief [can I come in?] Bumblebee chirped "yeah come on in." Arcee said she moved a bit and bee walked in "what's up?" Arcee asked sitting next to bumblebee [What? I can't vist the woman I love without a reason?] Bee beeped "no. You don't need a reason because I love you to cybertron and back." Arcee said bumblebee put a arm around her pulling her closer she nuzzled into him. [Why must you be so adorable my rose?] Bumblebee asked "Your rose?" Arcee asked [do you not like it? I don't need to call you that.] Bee beeped "no no it's fine I like it. But just when were on our own if you don't mind." Arcee said she looked at bumblebee. He kissed her on her forehelm and rubbed her back. Arcee hummed a short tune that she often did while she healed. She knew everyone was at edge lately due to some stunts made by smokescreen. He faked his death while hunting for another relic with optimus and with the addition of the dark star saber. Bumblebee put a servo on arcee's chin causing her to look up. And returning the favor for the night on the roof and kissed her first this time. The 2 separated "you really did that bumblebee." Arcee said [let's find out] bumblebee beeped and kissed her again.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much for 100 votes

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