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It had been 5 days optimus became the team leader again. Arcee had gotten her sleep schedule back on track. But sometimes there would be good night's and bad night's she'd keep this to herself since she knew they were just nightmares but this one really freaked her out. Her father and her brother like dead at her feet no matter how hard she tried she couldn't heal them then Megatron came and the 2 fought but somthing seemed off but arcee woke after he stabed her straight through her chest. She wondered why her mind came up with this stuff she looked at her clock 2:45am. Great. Arcee got out her music player and picked one she knew would help.

(Safe and sound by Taylor swift)
Causeway had given it to arcee when she was there. She still had time to write songs and sometimes she'd preform them.
Arcee calmed down she thought about going to the roof to watch the sun rise but that was 4 hours that wasn't happening us less she could get some more sleep, meditation maybe not. She found herself going to the roof anyways not to rain or anything just to sit until somthing happened. She looked at the stars it was a full moon too. She heard footsteps behind her she saw bumblebee "Hey bee what you doing up so late?" Arcee asked [could ask the same for you cee] bumblebee beeped "wonder if you can see cybertron from here." Arcee said [doubt it but maybe] he beeped bee pit an arm around her she rested her helm on his shoulder the 2 stayed like that for a bit just looking at the stars "I'm sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news but I was the only one there." Arcee said [what?] Bee beeped the 2 separated arcee took a breath "bee while I was in that room one of the 3 ghosts were your mom." Bumblebee look up again [yeah I figured. But it's not you're fault arcee.] "I know that it's just my healing could have saved thousands but I was put in stasis." Arcee said she looked at her servo. Bumblebee took her servo [your doing that now and when we win this war] "thanks bee I needed that." Arcee said [now you sound like Ratchet] bumblebee beeped she laughed [that's the firsts time I've heard you laugh in a long time] bumblebee said "well we are winning a war" arcee said bee kissed her helm arcee just stayed in his arms "bee when are we gonna tell the others?" Arcee asked bee rested his helm on hers [heh wellllllll I already told your mom.] Bee felt arcee's helm go up a little "you what, how did she not destroy you?!?"arcee asked [I dunno she YOUR mom.] Bumblebee beeped back arcee moved her helm and looked at bumblebee "well honestly I don't know."
Arcee kissed bumblebee. Bee was shocked at first but he kissed back he had his servos at her waist and she had her servos around his neck.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much for 500 reads😉💗 

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