human form

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I did not draw the picture I can't draw for squat. But don't know who drew it. Sorry.

It was a few days after the group meditation. Arcee was getting better about steeljaw the humans tried there best to keep her mind off it and it was starting to work. "Do have a human form?" Raf asked "I do." Arcee said "can ya show us?" Miko asked "I don't know I don't like shifting into much." Arcee said [I haven't seen her human form] bumblebee beeped "yeah because I have no use of it." Arcee said "come on cee you can show us." Jack said arcee rolled her optics "fine." Miko cheered bumblebee perked up this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. He looked down there stood a human.

 "Happy?" The human asked [most definitely] bumblebee beeped back optimus walked in "hey father look down here" arcee said optimus looked down and saw a new human "ah trying somthing different are we

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"Happy?" The human asked [most definitely] bumblebee beeped back optimus walked in "hey father look down here" arcee said optimus looked down and saw a new human "ah trying somthing different are we." Optimus said "yep." Arcee said "so how come you don't like your human form? you look good." Miko said Arcee crossed her arms "it makes me feel weak." [Your anything but. Cee] bee beeped an idea popped into arcee's head "bee could you hold still?" Arcee asked [sure. But why?] Bumblebee asked arcee smiled she took a few steps back then ran at bee jumped and used her feet and rocketed herself at the catwalk where the humans where while in the air she grabed the railing and landed a few feet from Jack. "That...was... AWESOME! Miko yelled arcee blew a hair out of her face. "You guys were right this form has it's uses And Jack?" Arcee asked "yeah cee?" Jack asked arcee hugged him it took a sec for the initial shock to go away but Jack hugged back. Then the 2 separated arcee took a breath "sorry for being distant lately." Arcee said "it's not a problem." Jack said arcee hopped back down and shifted back into her bot mode.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much.😄💕

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