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Arcee's pov
I was resting in my berthroom after the bomb incident. Father wasn't pleased that I healed predaking but I saved him he saved me. Better than being taken captive by the cons in my opinion. Bee can to check on me we spoke normally and umm kissed a little. He had his head in my lap. Just standard mechfriend-femmefriend stuff. I hadn't sung this in a long time so I figured now was a good time.
Do ya wanna take drive?
I don't care where we go. I don't care what we find.
We could find stone or diamonds. Not like I'd need them cause,
Your the diamond of my life.
So on this tiny little road what do ya think we'll find?
Maybe some stone?
Maybe some diamonds?
Not like I'll need em cause...
I paused I remember mother sang this to steeljaw and me went we had nightmares. It hurt to continue.
[Your the diamond of my life,
Going down this familiar road.]
That's how it went "thanks bee." I say [but of course my rose] bee beeped we sat in silence for a moment [you need recharge] he beeped "so do you. You go out wayyyyyy more than I do." I said he put a servo on my cheek [compromise. We both recharge right next to each other] bumblebee beeped "ok fine. But you gotta get up" I said he did then pulled me down next to him rubbing circles in my back and he hit my weak spot. I shook for a second "jerk." I said he just chucked and kissed my forehelm. Then I drifted off.

That song I made myself but feel free to use it. But please give me credit. What did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much🤓

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