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Optimus x causeway chapter you have been warned

Causeway's pov
I slowly open my optics "optimus?" I whisper "Hey. Did you recharge Ok?" Optimus asked "yeah I did should we get up or no?" I asked he shushed me while looking at his side I looked up and there was steeljaw only 3 years old in my sparkmates grip. It was mornings like these that made my day. I gave a soft smile but I had a rough day ahead of me. I wasn't sure how I would tell them but I was sparked again. I had found out last night and I was worried about my next sparkling. How would they react. Primus how will I tell them I knew I would tell them today. I pushed that to the back of my mind and focused on the family I have now. "Should we?" I query he nods "steeljaw wake up" steeljaw started to make so noise and then almost fell off the berth. Thankfully optimus's dad reflectes happened and he put steeljaw between us he grumbled and bit and buried his face in the berth. I kissed his cheek "mommy? Can stay with you guys today?" Steeljaw asked half asleep I looked at optimus he gave a slight smile but it faded fast I knew he had things to do today so. That could give me time to work out how to tell them. "Who knows steeljaw you and I could find some hiding spots so we can mess with your father. Then we can see him tonight just like we always do." Steeljaw stirred and rolled over onto his back "well now he's gonna knowwww." Steeljaw said "bet I won't be able to find you 2" optimus said steeljaw smiled.

9 hours later
Optimus's pov
Long day of leading cybertron saw ratchet I've known him for a year today and megatronus who I've known for about a month both of them are nice. I get to my penthouse ok I swing by the kitchen and causeway is holding steeljaw in one arm and holding a camera in the other. Steeljaw is holding a box. "Daddy! Your home!" Steeljaw said excitedly "causeway, why are you filming?" I asked "open the box steel's hold ing and find out" she said but she seemed nervous I took steeljaw from her arm and sat down with steeljaw in my lap she was smiling "come on son, help your old man out." I say steeljaw looked up at me "Your not old daddy. mommy says that you guys are young." He said with pure innocents. Causeway was giggling just like when we were dating me and steeljaw open the box and he took something out of it "what's this?" He asked holding. O my primus. I freeze "daddy? What is it?" With pure concern on his face I looked at the pregnancy test. It was positive. I look at her it was hard to read her emotions "well steeljaw your gonna get a sibling" I say he gasped "really! Really! This better not be a joke." He says I get him off my lap and go to causeway "how long have you known?" I ask "just last night." Causeway said she wasn't making opticcontact I touch her cheek "why are you ashamed? Are you? It's hard to tell." I say causeway leans into me "it's so many emotions. Terror, happiness, conern I don't really know." Causeway said steeljaw came and hugged her "it's ok mommy you can do it." He says she smiled "Let's start coming up with names"

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much!🤓

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