endgame pt 1

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No one's POV

"No way." Arcee said "yeah, is it possible?" Elita asked "if optimus thinks the time is now let's do it." Ultra magus said "over thousands of years of war and now your doubting? Come on let's bring it." Bulkhead replied [watch it bulk.] Bee hissed "I'm ready for this old friend." Ratchet said elita nodded "let's do this." Wheeljack said "is it decided then?" Optimus asked "lets kick some tailpipe." Bulkhead said "make then sorry that they ever waged war on us." Elita said "now is the time." Ultra magnus said "one issue. We don't know where they are. With their war ship it makes them insanely mobile." Wheeljack said "I have a idea" arcee Said she pulled out her telecommunicator. A large hologram popped up "is that what I think it is?" Elita asked "yeah." Arcee replied a map had appeared and there were some points in red on the map of America. "What the red dots?" Ratchet asked "they are steeljaws stashes with some con spots that he wanted or had already scouted" arcee said [hey, that's my job.] Bee fake pouted bulkhead snorted "don't worry bee your still my scout." Arcee flirted ratchet rolled his optics elita was covering her mouth to hide a giggle. Ultra Magnus facepalmed. Optimus smiled but arcee could tell that he wanted her to continue. "So how does this help us?" Smokescreen asked suddenly all but one of the dots disappeared "this is a mine that they generally don't use. Steeljaw easily got in and out." Arcee said "well... he got cocky and that's how you lost him" wheeljack said "if you must know it was nowhere near that mine." Arcee said with some sass "anyways. They have a bridge we can use to get to the nemesis. But we still need a plan to capture it and finally end this war." Arcee said everyone agreed so they started to plan.

5 days later

"You all have this just don't be reckless. But.... if you get the chance kill megatron." Causeway said as she stood in front of everyone flames danced around her "be careful. We don't need any of you to join us." Ironhide said he also bore the flames so did chromia and cliffjumper. They had come with some allowance but they couldn't stay long "bumblebee, whatever you do go slow with that woman she's a primes daughter for primus's sake." Chromia said [mom. Not the time.] Bee beeped very flustered "shes your mother. Trust me bee I've tried and failed." Ironhide said "so your cliffjumper?" Arcee asked "you bet your a real good fighter. And thanks for kicking screamers aft." Cliffjumper said "what for?" Arcee asked "he killed me. Nothings better than revenge. Ask causeway." Cliffjumper said "ah, well mom was killed by megatron/ arachnid" arcee replied the spirits soon needed to leave they said there goodbyes. Arcee knew bumblebee had a heavy spark. " U'know just ask if you wanna talk with 'em." Arcee said [I know cee, I know.]

Ok that's all for today but what did you think any suggestions say them in the comments below I'll try to use them byeeeeee💟

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