love you to cybertron and back

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Ratchet and causeway went through the bridge raf stayed behind to operate it. There starscream sat in a pool of energon.

"I was wondering when you autobots were com

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"I was wondering when you autobots were com..." starscream stopped dead in his tracks Ratchet raised an eyebrow, causeway chuckled "it's because I'm here ratch, remember i'm supposed to be dead." "Ahh anyways starscream let's start." Ratchet started fixing screamer up "I know the decepicons are planning another space bridge" Starscream said "where." Causeway demanded "9x8462-6543-2175" starscream said "and how do we know that you're not lying?" Causeway asked "causeway, I have standards" starscream said "then where were those standards when you and Megatron offlined me and tried to offline my family and done primus knows what to my son." Causeway said starscream said nothing "well starscream thank you for the information we'll be leaving now" ratchet said " Rafael ground bridge please" Ratchet said and 2 autobots left. 3 hours after causeway and ratchet came back to base arcee, bumblebee, and bulkhead came back. Arcee had a servo against her helm "Arcee what's wrong my mother senses are tingling." Causeway took arcee's servo "well SOMBOT just happened to trip over a tree and it landed right on my helm" arcee glared at bulkhead "I'm sorry cee I told you we should have commed back so you could get looked at! Bulkhead said arcee face-palmed "how did father ever do this😧" "your father had his ways now come on you might have a concussion." Ratchet said "great, now where's agent folwer." Arcee said "well in order to lighten the mood we now have coordinates to the space Bridge" causeway said [HOW?!?] Bumblebee chirped "eheheheheheh...*deep inhale* starscream" Causeway said she rubbed the back of her helm sheepishly [he's lying] bumblebee beeped "look I don't trust him either but it's our best lead. Arceeon can a least take a look go invisible do a little stealth run see what we find" causeway said "she's got a point bee" bulkhead said [guhh fine] bumblebee beeped "bumblebee may I speak with you for a moment... in private?" Causeway asked [sure] bee beeped the 2 walked to the roof when they got there causeway sat down "ok spill you've been more protective of arcee ever sense I got here, and I remember in a meditation while arcee was recovering she mentioned that you were getting closer to her now she wasn't sure if you were just trying to help but I say otherwise." Causeway said [well *sigh* yes me and her are together in a way we both have feelings for each other] bumblebee beeped causeway smiled "I know this is hard for me to admit but even though I've tried my best to watch arcee she's not a little girl anymore and this war had changed her and opy (Optimus prime) I wish I could be there for them I remember shortly after my death when you got back from Tyger pax actually arcee when she saw you she immediately blamed herself and eventually Orion he came comfort her she just started crying I know it wasn't easy on her and then see her best friend and future lover like that, she blames herself for my death. Arceeon she tries to take after her father and always being control of her emotions but sometimes her emotions just need to be shown she's very passionate of her family and loved ones anytime one of them gets hurt the person who did her them is in big trouble. Honestly I don't know why I'm telling you this I'm just rambling so I'm sorry." Causeway said [no no I bet you needed to tell someone that after 2000 years of death with no one to turn it's torture. Trust me I know when I lost my voice Arcee was always there for me. you must have been so relieved when you found out Arcee was still okay  and after arachnid I bet your Fury burned even harder.] Bumblebee chirped "you know just what to say now don't you bumblebee." Causeway said
4 hours later
A plan had been worked out starscream was telling the truth there was a space bridge and it was fully operational everyone except Causeway and the humans would go to the bridge as defense or tech support ratchet would get arcee to cybertron and then find vector sigma to activate the key card then come back then work out how they would give Optimus his Memories Back. Then bumblebee and bulkhead would defend the bridge until arcee got back one they claimed the space bridge arcee with the key card in her pouch (that also had the holocron in it plus only she can open it) stood before it "be careful arcee" Ratchet said "he careful is my middle name" arcee said "no it's not it's rose" causeway commed "never mind mother but I'll see you again when I get back." And arcee went through the bridge.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much😄 

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