A mother's return

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Arcee left to meditate she was angry at Megatron plus she would have to train extra hard she could work around this she finally did meditate "arcee something's wrong with your father do you know what?" Causeway asked frantic arcee looked down  "mother *sigh* father gave the matrix of leadership so earth would ok. Unicron he's in stasis at Earth's core  but there was a side effect... He reverted back to Orion pax and Megatron used this to show the autobots as enemies.  I don't know what's going to happen other than I'm the leader of the autobots until he gets back." Causeway just stood there stunned "by the allspark optimus you had to be so selfless. I'm sorry arceeon but I must tell  the council of this. I don't know when I'll see you again but I love you and I have my optics on bumblebee." "Uh mom I need to tell you something it's important." Arcee said "I'm sorry arcee but I need to tell the council bye." And the meditation ended. Arcee put the holocron back in it's pouch and went back to the main area "how'd the meditation go?" Rachet asked "ok I guess she was going to tell the council and it ended shortly after that. If you don't mind I'm going to bed and then tomorrow I'm going to train... a lot." Arcee said "alright just don't overwork yourself." Rachet said "ok maestro night and make sure you don't overwork yourself too." Arcee left, rachet smiled she took after her father so much always worried about others before herself she had causeway's way with words too. He wondered if steeljaw should be contacted oh well.
It had been 4 days arcee barely ever came down from the roof the cons were mysteriously quiet. Arcee had tried to speak with causeway again but she met alpha trion saying that causeway was talking with the council on what to do. Bumblebee decided to check on cee. Once he got up there he saw arcee cut a hologram megatron in half [woah chill before you do that to the real Megatron] bumblebee beeped. Arcee aimed at him [hey don't shoot!] Bee put up his hands arcee put her gun away "sorry bee it's a reflex" the 2 began to talk meanwhile downstairs Rachet was working he wondered weather a vile was labeled correctly "rachet" a voice said "yes..." rachet dropped the vile but it floated into causeway's servo "yeah it's labeled correctly oh and where can I find my daughter?" She asked Rachet looked down the hall
"Arcee should be on the roof you can't miss the elevator." "Thank you rachet" causeway walked down the hall rachet looked at bulkhead "you saw her right?" Bulkhead nodded "oh...my...god A REAL LIFE GHOST COOL!" Miko yelled bee came down the hall [is it just me or is causeway here?] "Nope she's here"bulkhead said

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much😄

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