A primes eldest pt 3

645 19 1

The 2 siblings came to the autobot base hand in hand steeljaw was nervous he had not seen his family for 2000 years what would go on. After they left the bridge optimus stood there along with rachet, bumblebee and bulkhead "father?" Steeljaw said optimus nodded and hugged his 2 children "I must apologize steeljaw for not coming for you I should have done more." Optimus said "I may have changed physically but I've never changed spiritually I will always be your son." Steeljaw said arcee chimed in "family's forever no matter what happens." The 3 separated [hey jaws long time no see] bee beeped "you know bee you're the only one who's ever called me that" steeljaw said "can the decepicons track you?" Rachet asked " no we took care of that" steeljaw showed his insignia 3 scratches across each of them "ah well do you want me to fix that with a autobot insignia?" Rachet asked "I don't know but for now consider me an Autobot." He said "come on steel let me show you around" arcee said pulling her brother [we have to go pick up the humans from school let's leave them be it's been 2000 years since they last saw each other] bumblebee beeped "no objections" bulkhead said
At school
"Hey bulk where's cee... did she get kiddnaped by that spider con again!?!" Miko said "no we got a new bot he's close with her I think you guys will like him" bulkhead said [raf it's him steeljaw arcee found him during a raid and she wanted to back and she had a whole argument with rachet but obviously he caved I think he was worried about cee doing somthing stupid] bee beeped "whoa that's big I thought he got killed or somthing" raf said "who got killed or somthing?" Jack asked "nobody just found after 2000 years" raf responded
At the base
"Where's the new bot I wanna meet him" miko said getting out of bulkhead "there on the roof" rachet said the 3 humans along with bumblebee

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