scattered to the wind pt 3

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"Good aim. Now that button right there can put away or put up the scope. You got that?" Elita asked "yep" arcee said "ok, now hit the targets I set up." Elita said arcee did "oh wow your a faster learner than your mother" elita one said they heard a engine arcee put up the scope to look and shoot if needed. Ultra Magnus took out his guns followed by elita one
"Hold your fire!" Arcee yelled it was bumblebee and raf and close behind them was ratchet. Arcee walked up to them still holding the gun "you guys ok?" Arcee asked "don't worry arceeon were ok." Ratchet said arcee looked at bumblebee and raf [same, how about you?] Bumblebee beeped "fine. Just practicing." Arcee said elita one walked up "hey you 2 been a while. I assume your raf." Elita said "yeah it's nice to meet you" raf said "it's nice to meet you as well I am elita one but you may call me elita" elita said "ok. Hey arcee where's Jack or miko?" Raf asked "jacks in the lost light resting. Miko isn't here. No sign of bulk, Jackie, Smokey, or my father." Arcee said "they'll get here arcee" ratchet said
1 day later
When arcee woke up bumblebee was sleeping next to her bee had her close to his chassis. She swore just at the edge of her hearing she could hear causeway singing like when she was little. And no her music player wasn't on. Little did anyone know that a old ally would be coming back.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much❣

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