vertically challenged

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Beecee chapter for 4k reads writer's block over.

Arcee's pov
Me and bee had been sorting through energon ammo amongst other things all day I had recovered just fine and smokey apologized a lot. Which I don't mind if I was in this situation (I hope I never am) I would as well [my rose? You ok?] Bee beeped "just fine bumblebee. Why?" I say [just makin sure. What should we hit next?] He chriped "not done yet just have to get matims gun." I said I was trying to get it but my height gets in the way. [Need help arcee?] He asked I messed with him "how dare you judge the vertically challenged!" I shout [ok then.] He beeped. It backfired. So bad. "Beeeeeeeeeee help me." I said he snorted and lifted me up to allow me to reach the rifle I grabbed it and he held me still just looking at me I smiled "bumblebee. Your doing it again." I teased he snapped out of it [sorry arcee. Do you want me to put you down?] Bee asked he looked down to the floor. I touched his cheek "maybe just a bit longer." I say. He had that looking in his optic. So I knew what he had in mind. So I kissed him and he kissed back. All good things must come to a end and we heard footsteps and we separated and he put me down. The funny thing was I was still holding moms gun. We went back to organizing and later we took a drive but nothing more after that.

Ok that's all for today what did you think? Any suggestions, say them in the comments below. I'll try to use them requests are nice.

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