what they've done to me

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Steeljaws pov
Chained to a wall in my cell they've left me alone today. Yesterday they from what I heard and I can hear alot thank you. I heard darkmount fell and shockwave was blinded by arcee. Great job I have new scientists working on me since shockwave left for earth and my first escape thanks to arcee. I wonder what else she's up to. I also heard that aunt elita and ultra Magnus were back. So go them. Also yesterday I did my first forced final form

my weapons are 2 katana's than can attach themselves to each other I look interesting to say the least

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my weapons are 2 katana's than can attach themselves to each other I look interesting to say the least. Father is still alive thankfully. No autobots have died so ratchet is doing his job right. My cell door opens. It's stealthwing one of the bots working on me he's ok I guess.

 It's stealthwing one of the bots working on me he's ok I guess

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"Hello steeljaw." He says I nod "don't worry were not doing anything today you've made good progress so were giving you a break" stealthwing says "I know you want to kill me. I live with it just you know part of my job is to make sure your mental health is ok." I roll my optics "Your job is to turn me into a weapon for Megatron." I say he sits next to me "knockout sends his regards. shockwave is fixing his optic. Necrosis might be coming in later today. But forgive me for asking why don't you drain any of us?" Stealthwing asked "well if you must know necrosis built up a immunity to it. And every if I got pass you where would I go. Earth? Sure i'd want to help my family but i'd risk being captured. Again." I emphasized "fair enough. So anything else?" He asked I snorted "nothing I'd like to tell you." He was looking at me mild fear in his optics I let out a growl ever since this happened since I was turned into a wolf-con I took on some of their traits "ok. I'll be going bye" stealthwing left. After he left a though came to me when I left for earth and arachnid taunted me.
I was in the med bay knockout had gone off to get something like I cared I was working out a escape  attempt been on the nemesis for 2 days still learning the door opened but I didn't care "oh my who do we have here?" A toxic voice cooed my ears twitched my claws ready to strike but I as much as I didn't want to restrained myself "look at me wolf." Arachnid hissed my restraint went out the window and burned in some melting metal. I looked at her. Those pink optics had a smirk in them. "Come to gloat spider?" I demand "oh no I would never do that just came with news of arcee." Arachnid said "tell me." I order she made a clicking noise. "Just happened your sister is dead." Arachnid said  I made no sign of emotion something I'd practice "and another thing I killed her and had you come to earth t-" she never got to finsh I slammed her into the wall "mention my family again and weather megatron likes you. I will end you." I say terror filled her optics and I was prepared to kill her right here right now for my mother my sister for the autobots. "Steeljaw!" Knockout yelled. Not now. He ripped us apart and I though that that day 2000 years ago would be the last day I would see my sister. Arceeon Rose Prime. I was so wrong I would get 2 months of freedom and making small strikes against the cons keeping stores here and there I sent a map to arcee but I'm not sure if it went through.
Present day
I sighed and tears flowed down my cheeks I hadn't cried for so long not even from moms death, from my changing into a wolf con, not even my recapture and torture. I just want to go home for this war to end. Primus help me. Keep my family safe.

Well that happened. What do you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much!🤓

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