endgame pt 3

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No ones POV
They had made it the autobots were on the nemesis. The wreckers along with ultra Magnus and elita one were fighting their way to the bridge. While everybot else even ratchet were going to another part of the nemesis that megatron was.

Ratchet vs. knockout
Arcee vs. Shockwave
Optimus vs. Megatron
Bumblebee vs. Starscream
Smokescreen/bee vs. Bunch a drones

Shockwave was putting up a decent fight "I blinded you once I can blind you again!" Arcee yelled "it is a shame I will need to kill you! You would have made a nice decepticon! Your brother made the logical decision!" He yelled back which startled arcee just a little since he never yelled. Ever. But their fight continued.

Bumblebee was keeping a near constant fire on the seeker and seemed to be winning along with helping smokescreen. Starscream had been flying around the area while shooting at any autobot or decepticon that got in the way he didn't test his luck with optimus though.
So what your saying is that screamer was using what little logic he possess?

Optimus and megatron were doing their thing. Ya know tryin to kill each other. Like ya do. They were dueling with there dark star saber and star saber respectively. Optimus seemed to be winning but he didn't dare get cocky. His thoughts were on winning. Also on his family the life that they had a happy mother and son along with daughter. Then the war tore it apart and took the innocents away from his children. He didn't want to kill one of his friends if optimus could even call him that anymore.

Ratchet and knockout were in fierce combat. "That primes daughter can't save you now old mech." He cooed "breakdown can't help you either." Ratchet shot back rage filled knockouts optics and he made several attempts to kill ratchet "I'll make sure you join him!" He yelled but ratchet gave him a swift kick to the face. Knockout fell back to the floor defeated

Smokescreen and bumblebee had finally shot down Starscream he landed right next to the defeated shockwave. Just as the bee and smokey joined arcee and ratchet a large clang echoed across the battlefield everyone looked the star saber had clattered onto the floor and optimus groaning in front of megatron. Starscream was going for the star saber [Arcee! Get starscream I'll get the saber to optimus!] Bee yelled arcee didn't have time to come up with a counter arguement "yeah. Yeah." Arcee said nodding and started to run at Starscream bee close behind her. Smokescreen shot behind him for reinforcements had arrived. Arcee shifted into her owl form and launched her talons forward and landed on starscream but when he landed on the floor he kicked her off and they fought. Bumblebee grabbed the s.s (star saber) and jumped to get it to optimus. Megatron shot bumblebee. In arcee's mind time stopped as she saw her lover and one of her closest friends fall dead onto the floor. Starscream had a smirk on his face while a look of horror and shock

A yell of anger came to her and her and Starscream they both looked and optimus upercutted megatron and they began to fight more

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A yell of anger came to her and her and Starscream they both looked and optimus upercutted megatron and they began to fight more. Arcee blasted Starscream off her then she jumped down and began to heal bee but the battle froze again. Arcee's healing glowed white instead of the sky blue. But she didn't care but something on her back felt heavier than usual and this is why the battle froze.

 But she didn't care but something on her back felt heavier than usual and this is why the battle froze

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Arcee had grown wings and she had performed her first final form she healed bumblebee "please bee. Don't leave me your all I have left." Bumblebee showed signs of consciousness and the wound on his chassis closed she looked up her father optimus prime was hanging off the edge of the nemesis by one servo. Arcee's optics widened as megatron was ready to kill optimus. She saw the s.s she grabbed and ran at him "megatron!" He turned and gasped "you've killed millions. You tore my family apart. You will never harm anyone ever again. By the way say hello to my mother for me." Arcee said she held the s.s in his chest. Megatron collapsed and his lifeless body fell to earth. "Master. I will avenge you." Starscream dropped to his knees then attempted to shoot arcee who had her back turned as she was helping optimus back but shockwave stopped him "Starscream do not be a fool!" He said grapping him and running away with several drone seekers arcee was helping optimus up. But she was very drained and almost dropped them both but someone helped arcee pull optimus up smokescreen lit up ratchet had a smile on his face. "Dad! Are you ok?" Arcee asked "yes. I am so proud of you..." optimus trailed off and looked beyond her "father?" Arcee asked looked behind and optimus got another surprise when he saw her wings. "Bee!" Arcee rapidly hugged him and was crying happy tears "arcee! Oh you scared me so much. I know I don't say this very much. I love you." Bumblebee SAID arcee snapped out of the hug "what did you just say?!?!" Arcee put a servo on his cheek "I love...you" bee gasped and lowered his mouth guard "arcee you... gave me my voice back." And big smile came across both of their faces. Bumblebee picked up arcee and spun her around and she laughed like she hadn't in years "now theirs a laugh I haven't heard in a long time!" Bee joked still holding her. Bumblebee gave a quick glance at optimus he returned it in a quick single nod and bumblebee quickly kissed arcee. She gave a small startled noise but accepted the kiss. The 2 separated shortly there after. Once bee put her down arcee slapped him "ow! What was that for?!" Bee hissed "that's for almost dying and scaring the scrap outta me!" Arcee yelled bee was rubbing his cheek arcee's face softened she moved his servo and healed him. The color still white arcee was shocked and looked at her servos then looked at her back feeling the heaviness "what the.... what? What? I have wings now!?" Arcee squeaked optimus chucked "it is nearly just your final form. Calm down and they'll disappear." Optimus spoke arcee inhaled deeply then exhaled and the wings went back to their original counterpart "arceeon, Orion, bumblebee! Are you ok?" Elita asked as she came up behind bee smokescreen close behind her. "Arcee, I am insanely proud of you. Orion, are you ok? Do we need ratchet? Bumblebee, when did you get your voice back? That's all I heard from smokey over here." Pointing to him "I'm fine aunt elita I healed bee and uh offed megatron." Arcee replied elita blinked then gave her a death gripped hug "oh my niece! I knew one of you could do it!" Elita exclaimed "aunt.. elita your... squishing me." Arcee said "oh! Sorry" elita let go "were good don't worry." Bee said then the other members of team prime came "hey guys! I can finally stop  bee-ping!" Bee jokes arcee facepalmed "I gave you your voice back and yet you decide to make very idotic puns with it." Smokescreen laughed after some time with questions the autobots were victorious the war was over.

Finally! This is it book 1 done! Thank you all so much for reading! Til the next book A primes future for now I work on my botw story. Byeeeeee!🤓😁👍

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