father and daughter

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Optimus's pov
It had been a interesting few days still no signs of steeljaw. Arceeon got back from the nemesis with no trouble but after the first base collapse along with being leader again more than likely put some more stress on her. Besides it's been awhile since we've had some time together. "Arcee?" I asked "yes father?" Arcee asked "do you want to go on a drive?" I asked "sure! Anywhere in particular?" Arcee asked "just to see what we find" I say "whoooo!" She said arcee jumped up with excitement
Arcee's pov
I was going on a drive with dad woop! As we drove I noticed that he was starting to move out of town so I followed eventually he transformed back into botmode I did the same "so...what happened while you were stuck in what's left of our old base?" I asked "scary... And painful." Father said "I'm sorry I didn't come back for you I should have left Jack in jasper. Besides June was terrified I felt really bad." I say "no. You had Jack to protect. I'm glad you went agansit your stubbornness and stayed on task." Father said "thanks... sorta" I say "yes... I heard it." He said "dad? While you were sorta dying did you see mom?" I asked "no I did not. I spoke with alpha trion. I believe I didn't because she was with you." He said "makes cents" I said we were still walking "how is your relationship with bumblebee?" Father asked "going strong. Don't worry it's not getting in the way of the war." I say father smiles I knew he would ask that "I hope so. I want you to be happy. I trust bumblebee with you." Father said "thanks dad. Is there anything that I've missed while I was in stasis besides chromia's death?" I ask "just war." He said I sighed "it's about time to head back arceeon" father said the sun was going down "yeah. Let's get going" I say "want to ride with me?" Father asked "oh? You sure?" I ask "of course. Plus it makes sure you don't overwork yourself." He smiled and I did to and also shifted into my human form but with a different outfit.

" He smiled and I did to and also shifted into my human form but with a different outfit

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Dad transformed and I hop in it was a good day.

Hiya! It's me again what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much!

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