synthetic Energon pt 1

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Ratchet had been working on somthing called synthetic energon. Bulkhead had the code to making it lodged in his brain. Once the code was out he made a full recovery although arcee kept an optic on him. She also had been working with Ratchet on the stuff but there energon was running low. So everyone went trying to find a mine easy enough. She was walking down a canyon when a shot hit her back she spun around some new con stood in front of her the 2 were in a fight while every one else was busy taking another mine. The bridge opened she feared more decepicons but it was ratchet "Oh primus, what's he doing here?" Arcee thought but the new con had fled and it was just drones arcee managed to get a few drones down but ratchet had taken most of them down "maestro what are you doing here?" Arcee asked ratchet said nothing but looked at her back which was bleeding by now. "Rafel bridge please." Ratchet said a bridge opened and they went through ratchet went to fixing up arcee's back arcee. "Thank you maestro um but may I ask, what in the name of primus were you thinking?" Arcee asked "I was thinking your life was in danger." He replied calmly. Soon everyone else came back and there energon was running low that's where arcee and ratchet went into overdrive trying to crack the code and hopefully have unlimited energon. "How's it going on your end arcee?" Ratchet asked "so far so good."Arcee said the test engine was working but it seemed very hyper and arcee was worried about it just stopping suddenly and guess what it did. Just that. "Ugh, that's the 15th engine we've tried." Arcee said she looked at her teacher he had the same result "so far not so good." Arcee said "we'll get there it's just I'm not sure how." Ratchet said "great." Arcee said sarcastically "sarcasms not going to get us anywhere, arcee." Ratchet said "*sigh* I know if only that code didn't nearly wreck bulks brain. How about we take a break you've been at this for a bit maestro." Arcee said "don't you mean we've been at this for a bit." Ratchet said "yeah... Yeah" arcee said "you go to get some recharge I'll got to recharge in a bit." Ratchet said "are you sure? I mean I'm fine." Arcee said "no no it's fine I swear." Ratchet answered " if you insist Maestro then I'm heading to bed." Arcee gave him a quick hug and went to recharge.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much.😄💕

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