nemesis prime pt 2

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Another military base was hit by someone who looked like optimus they wondered it was the cons but it seemed unlikely MECH seemed more and more likely. Miko dubbed this clone of optimus "nemesis prime" clever enough it stuck. "Wait wait so the human military has orders the shoot any cybertronan on site!"Arcee said "yes 100% positive" agent folwer said "well that's just great" arcee said putting her arms in the air. Bumblebee was leaning agansit the wall the used his thum and pointed at arcee. "Yeah that's makes this a lot harder to take down nemesis" bulkhead said "so what's that mean again?" Wheeljack asked [if human military see us they get to shoot us.]  Bumblebee beeped "fun." Wheeljack said sarcastically "but human bullets can't hurt us. Right?" Wheeljack asked again "it takes a very heavy duty gun to but it's an easy heal." Arcee said wheeljack nodded.
7 hours later
Everyone but the humans, ratchet, and arcee was off searching for nemisis. No one was responding "maestro send me through they need to be healed."Arcee said she stood in front of the bridge "Arcee it's just a jammer." Ratchet spoke calmly "even more of a reason to send me." Arcee said she looked at her teacher he had a slight smile with his servo on the lever to activate the bridge "atta girl arcee there the fighter I remember." Ratchet said he started the bridge arcee went through she knew she was on her own until she found someone else she was invisible stealth mode a slam when she turned the corner she found wheeljack unconscious she healed him when he returned to consciousness he noticed her but was still dazed "focus on the one in the middle jackie." Arcee said "thanks... CEE BEHIND YOU!" wheeljack yelled arcee used her servo and launched herself up in the air and fired at the darker version of her father. The figure had a gun pointed at wheeljack "one more step and this bot is done for." Arcee put her servo's in the air "this does not need to have  energon spilled just leave him be." Arcee said "that blue light how?" Nemisis said wheeljack wasn't fully healed so it hurt to move. "I was born with it." Arcee said she looked at wheeljack he winked then kick nemesis in the leg he fell arcee quickly shifted back into her owl form and picked up wheeljack by his sholders and flew off arcee was panting she wasn't used to so much weight "cece down there!" Wheeljack shouted. Arcee didn't like that he called her cece but it got her attention she looked down and saw bumblebee. Thank primus. In her owl form she could do what she called a sonic screech. She did it above bee when he looked up he waved but could see that she was tired. Arcee let go of wheeljack a few feet from the ground and he landed ok but soon went to his knee's arcee shifted back and started to heal again. Bumblebee stood above the 2 of the them once arcee was done she started to sway but he knelt down and put a arm around her waist "you ok arcee?" Wheeljack asked she just nodded [sometimes she uses to much of her energy through shifting or healing just give her a minute] bumblebee beeped. Footsteps the 3 pulled out there guns arcee's arm was a but shaky she saw in bumblebee's optics that he would protect her.

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much for over 1k reads once again😄💕

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