A primes demon pt 2

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When arcee came to it was very dark she could barely make out a outline but she knew who it was "what's the point in going solo when your the reason everyone in that base died so you could join the cons?" Arcee said "don't worry about it I'll join them soon enough. What have you been up to these past millennia?" Acracnid said arcee could feel a cut on her cheek she already started huh primus what would she do next? Arachnid was on a console soon rachet and optimus poped up arcee was in some of aracnids webbing against a wall but she knew her father was scared she was scared. "What do you need in exchange for arcee?" Optimus asked "all of your energon stores and a beacon need Megatron to be able to find me you have 2 earth hours to decide until then it's just me and arcee don't try anything or she might pay the price" aracnhid had one of her legs at arcee's neck and the transmission ended optimus looked down and sighed [I'm sorry optimus I should have done more] bee beeped "it's not your fault bumblebee I don't know what we should do" every one was taken back by this optimus generally knew what he was doing
With arcee
"Ok arcee just us now 2 hours joy what should we do first" arachnid said "daughter of a prime you don't think I've been trained for this you trained me and my brother on wait it's because your missing a nero net cells" arcee said arachnid rolled her optics then stabed her right in the hip
At the autobot base
Optimus was pacing he was trying to come up with ways he could get arcee back and keep the energon he ended up walking to the cliffs of the base arcee loved so much she had a nice set up a simulator ball a tape player that had everyone of causeway's songs on it the ones she sang for her children and during her career he put one on

(Everything stays by Rebecca sugar)

He smiled just a little than bulkhead came up "any ideas cause were at 10 min mark" bulkhead said "almost" optimus said standing up
With arcee
Arcee had gotten one of her servos out of the webbing she knew what she was going to do was crazy but it was necessary for her fellow autobots to survive she would do it when she saw her father again arachnid walked over to the console arcee prayed that this action wouldn't be in vain optimus was talking with arachnid so arcee took out her normal gun and stuck it at her chest she took one last breath and shot suddenly all he'll broke loose optimus screamed arcee arachnid wad panicking rachet was getting to the ground bridge bee was already at the bridge entrance optimus ran to join him rachet said " Rafael man the bridge I need to prepare for surgery raf got to his laptop arachnid was just standing there dang autobot so heroic so selfless then bee was keeping his guns of her ready to fire at any moment optimus got to arcee first "fa...father" arcee winced from the pain "bumblebee take her back I'll take care of arachnid" optimus said taking his blade out bee picked up arcee bridal style and ran back through the bridge

 "optimus prime acting out of rage this will be fun" they started to fight rachet was working on arcee trying to keep her alive raf opened the bridge again so bee could help optimus once arachnid saw bee she fled3 hours laterOptimus was pacing age...

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"optimus prime acting out of rage this will be fun" they started to fight rachet was working on arcee trying to keep her alive raf opened the bridge again so bee could help optimus once arachnid saw bee she fled
3 hours later
Optimus was pacing ageing bee was watching him sitting on a crate bulkhead was leaning against a wall "I've never seen optimus like this before bulk" miko said "his daughter fighting for her life plus he just got her back" bulkhead said kinda quiet the rachet came out of the med bay "thank the allspark somehow she'll pull through its a miracle but she might be out for a while if I calculated everything correctly she should be awake by the end of the week" rachet said optimus sighed "thank you old friend" "of course I brought her into this world I was going to try my hardest to keep her here.

Ok that's all for today what did you think you have any suggestions say them in the comments thanks again for so many reads😉

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