meeting smokescreen

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Just another day the guys had gone to check out a stasis pod signal nothing more. Probably find some cons to. Arcee had zoned out she was looking at the bridge entrance "arcee? Arcee! Are you listening to me?" Ratchet "What? Sorry zoned out." Arcee said "be prepared to heal I believe optimus was hurt." Ratchet said "was or is hurt?" Arcee asked "just a heads up" ratchet said he turned back to the bridge console then activated it and everyone came through. But with somebot new. Arcee brushed it off and went to look at her father just a few dents nothing of much concern. Bumblebee was happily beeping to the new bot. Arcee gave a small chuckle knowing if the 2 of them became very close that ment things breaking to ratchet. "Father... who is that?" Arcee asked "I believe his name is smokescreen." Optimus replied she nodded and went to go see if he had any injurys. " Hey bee care to introduce me?" Arcee asked [Oh hey cee. This is smokescreen.] Bumblebee beeped "hi it's nice to meet you like bee said I'm smokescreen." Smokescreen said "call me arcee. Are either of you hurt?" Arcee asked [don't worry cee were fine.] Bee beeped "are you a medic?" Smokescreen asked "not exactly but I do heal" arcee said "what?" Smokescreen asked "born with it. Very useful in war." Arcee said everyone talked with smoke just to get to know him and see how he got there
Arcee excused herself to go meditate.

Causeway was well or as well as she
could be given the fact that she was ya know...dead. after a while she went back when she walked into the main room she saw her father face-palming. Bulkhead on the floor. Wheeljack laughing servos on his knee's. While bumblebee and smokescreen looking kinda scared. Ratchet was giving bulkhead the dead glare. Again. "What'd you break this time bulkhead?" Arcee asked helping him up well the best she could. "My pride." Bulkhead responded "anything else?" Arcee asked noticing the cybertronan version of a black eye. She cursed in cybertronan optimus and ratchet said at the same time "arceeon, language." Arcee looked at ratchet "well who do ya think I from?"  Ratchet inhaled with his digit in the air slightly. He stopped himself and slowly put his digit back down "well played arcee. Well played." Arcee looked at optimus he gave a slight smile "don't make a habit of that. Ok?" Optimus said "yes father." Arcee said

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much.

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