scattered to the winds pt 2

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2k reads. 2K READS! My god were here already praise the god dang genies. I can't thank you enough.❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣

The harbinger was in a state called Montana they had driven out of Oregon and were about half way there 3 more days and they were there "Arcee you want to pull over?" Jack asked "yeah I need to stretch." Arcee said they pulled over into a abandoned farm and went into the farm house arcee gasped there right on front of them was energon. Arcee knew that steeljaw had small stores here and there and she had a feeling like she needed to see this. "Cee I think I found something" Jack said arcee knelt beside him arcee gave a small smile but it was bittersweet there on one of the support beams was his insignia.

 "Cee I think I found something" Jack said arcee knelt beside him arcee gave a small smile but it was bittersweet there on one of the support beams was his insignia

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This was definitely his store. Arcee picked up a small bag that had some energon that they could take. Just then they heard some thumps outside they looked out a window. Decpticons. "Jack let's go" arcee said grabbing him arcee had a pack on she transformed and drove she also went invisible "Arcee can they see me?" Jack whispered "no. Just stay quiet." Arcee said she had to keep her engine down so they weren't going at top speed. A shot landed right in front of them the shock caused arcee to transform back into her bot mode but Jack wasn't touching her so the cons saw him. There was the new bot again. Arcee came out of her invisibility still having a servo on Jack. "So your arcee you really should look where your going." The bot said "frag off" arcee said he smirked and the drones around him started to shoot arcee grabbed jack again and drove full speed. A ship flew over them "arceeeeeeee!" Jack said "I see it! Let me drive and we might live!" Arcee yelled the ship landed a voice "arceeon!" Arcee transformed into bot mode she knew who it was immediately arcee walked up to the ship "Arcee who are they?" Jack asked "Jack, meet ultra Magnus and my aunt elita one."

"Arceeon, how long have you been out of stasis?" Ultra Magnus asked "1 year sir

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"Arceeon, how long have you been out of stasis?" Ultra Magnus asked "1 year sir." Arcee said " are there any autobots on this world?" Ultra Magnus asked "not sure." Arcee said ultra Magnus was about to speak but was cut off by elita one "what do you mean arcee?" Elita said much kinder that ultra Magnus. "My team had my father Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, the medic ratchet, to Wreckers bulkhead and Wheeljack and rookie his name is smokescreen and then we had three humans this is my human partner Jack. A female named Miko she hangs out with bulkhead. And a boy his name is Raf he hangs out with Bumblebee." Arcee said once ultra Magnus heard wheeljack's name he rolled his optics. "Now Magnus" elita said "oh and to prove it's me." Arcee said she got the holocron out. Elita sighed and she hugged arcee. Arcee was a bit surprised but hugged back "my niece. How long has it been since I've gotten to hug you?" Elita asked "too long." Arcee said she looked at the ship and separated from elita one "surprised that the lost light is still in one peace." Arcee said "do you remember how to fly it?" Ultra Magnus asked "yep. You taught me, remember?" Arcee said "well played solider well played." Ultra Magnus said "cee there's somthing I need to give you." Elita one said "you and your partner can come aboard. Right Magnus."
Elita said they got onto the lost light.  Jack was sitting on a ledge ultra Magnus was flying the ship he had the coordinates to the harbinger arcee was setting up the old comm system "moment of truth." Arcee said she pressed the button to "any autobots who are on the planet Earth this is arcee Prime I am on the lost light with Ultra Magnus my aunt Elita One along  My human partner Jack we are making our way to the harbinger we hope to see you all there will hold out as long as we can but there's only so long we need to attack Megatron while he's basking in his glory I look forward to seeing all of you. Remember ruins of the harbinger we will stay there as long as we can but get there ASAP so Arcee Prime signing out." And arcee turned to elita one "what did you want to give me aunt elita?" Arcee asked elita handed her a case "go on open it." Elita said arcee did she gasped. She was holding her mother's sniper rifle arcee thought it was lost. "We wanted to leave it with you but it wouldn't fit in your pod." Elita said "Now you just need to learn how to use it." Elita said

Ok that's all for today what did you think any suggestion say them in the comments I'll try to use them thanks so much for over 2k reads.

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